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Weregoat may be from Portland but they want no fucking part of that "Cascadian black metal" shit. Featuring Kevin Schreutelkamp, drummer of Ritual Necromancy,...


In “The Haunter of the Dark,” H. P. Lovecraft describes a man transfixed by a decrepit, abandoned church.  “Desolation and decay hung like a...


"Charismatic Leaders is another classic entry in their catalog and another reason for why Wheel absolutely deserves to be a household name in the...


"This album isn't one for genre purists, but lovers of pure expression created by people with a deep understanding of multiple types of music."


"So long as Deicide is putting out albums of this quality, it'll be worth checking out whatever that is."


"Give Vanden Plas a shot if you're looking for some accessible metal that will be sure to satisfy your melodic tooth."


"The Shape of Fluidity is an outstanding glimpse into van Dorst's individual (but universally resonant) triumphs and tribulations."


"Exist have outdone themselves yet again with Hijacking the Zeitgeist."


"Ingested is unafraid to explore different caves of sound and engage with different melodies, crafting a sound that never sacrifices intensity with ten brand...


"Their work with Dis Fig shows their innate ability to create beauty from ugliness, and how easily they can transcend metal and plant their...


"With minimal (but not too minimal) production values, and a clear DIY vibe, Coffin Storm is exactly what you think it should be."


"After all, you really can't have too much good blackened death metal in your life."


"Overall, a very solid sophomore effort for Vltimas."


"Isenordal points back to a time during the mid-'90s when fringe artists weren't operating under any assumptions of what they needed to sound like."


"The Mandrake Project was easily worth the 10-year gestation period and the 20-year wait since Tyranny Of Souls."


"While it'll be interesting to see how the pit warriors respond to this doubling down on prog, Job For A Cowboy is anything but...


"I can say without any hesitation whatsoever that The Other Side of Mars is the strongest play in any of the Crüe solo projects."


"It's evident that The Last Ten Seconds Of Life are venturing into new territory with No Name Graves."


"Believe the hype, it will be difficult to top this album for black metal in 2024."


Ihsahn, chief composer and frontman of the legendary Norwegian black metal band Emperor, gives us his latest opus. This took some three years in...


"With She Reaches Out To She Reaches Out To She, Wolfe continues her reign as perhaps the most disquietly serene singer/songwriter around."


"By adding traditional metal elements laced together with clever song writing, Persefone have crafted a genius, modern metal album."


"If you seek purpose in a world that often feels bleak, Junta will inspire you to take meaningful action."