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Search results for "Solo"


By Ben Apatoff New PEARL JAM sounding too soft? Still too soon to discuss the latest CHRIS CORNELL debacle? Fear not, grungeheads, because ALICE...


by Ben Apatoff Like recent SLAYER or IRON MAIDEN, every new MEGADETH release comes an inevitable wave of "return to form" and "best since...


Review by James Greene, Jr. Dictionary.com defines the word “deflorate” as “past the flowering state; having shed its pollen.” That seems wickedly apropos for...


JOB FOR A COWBOY may be death metal's answer to MATISYAHU. Both victims and beneficiaries of an overwhelming amount of hype, JFAC have roped...


As a visionary for NILE, KARL SANDERS re-imagined death metal as hymns of the sphinx, anthems for the pharaoh, the cover art of Powerslave...


Five albums and three singers into their career, Darkane are still slipping melodies into their thrash-infested death metal. Demonic Art doesn't try anything new,...


Last night, the METAL Injection crew got together, smoked an took in the new album from Metallica, Death Magnetic. The first few tracks were...


Cary Gordon, a.k.a. Evil C, co-Host of Metal Injection Radio's MSRCast sent in this review… With the brand new Guitar Hero game out on...


Testament's The Formation of Damnation has been hotly anticipated for two reasons.  First, it marks the return of lead guitarist Alex Skolnick.  This resets...


I'm conflicted about retro thrash.  As trends go, there's far worse, like metalcore, deathcore, and symphonic Hot Topic-core with token sex object keyboardists.  It...


Cavalera Conspiracy is the musical reunion of brothers Max and Igor Cavalera after a decade-long estrangement.  Both have moved on from their origins in...


Two things jump out about Black Tide.  The first is their youth: they're all under 20, and singer/guitarist Gabriel Garcia is supposedly only 15. ...


Welcome back, Tomas Haake. It was quite impressive how natural (natural for extreme metal, anyway) the programmed drums sounded on 2005's Catch Thirtythree, but...


Black metal lyrics generally fall into three categories: (1) Satan, Satan, Satan; (2) Odin, Odin, nature; and (3) kill yourself, but not before buying...


The Arcane Order make a pretty good Strapping Young Lad.  The resemblance is startling – barreling, precise, melodic death metal with apocalyptic keyboards and...


It is peculiar how two people can rock this much.  Consider Black Cobra's bi-bodied brethren: The Spinanes and Mates of State (not that rocking); The...


Ingredients for a Fortress cocktail: 1 part J.R.R. Tolkien 1 part Molson Canadian 2 parts marijuana 1 part Iron Maiden 1 part Dream Theater...


In the January 2008 issue of Decibel, Skeletonwitch described their sound as "Immortal beating the shit out of Metallica at a keg party."  This...


Unlike many rockers turned pop culture celebrities, Sebastian Bach isn't overexposed.  This is probably because his star turns are so strange.  While Bret Michaels has...


Yet more Latin-loving French black metal – if I'd known I was going to be a metal writer, I would have studied Latin in...


North Carolina's Killwhitneydead are locked in a death match with California's Graf Orlock for the title of "cinema core" kings.  Their M.O. is the...


For those new kids out there, “Wages Of Sin” was not ARCH ENEMY's first album! For you melodic metalcore kids still high on LAMB...


Good old stoner rock. And yeah, it’s stoner rock, because I wouldn’t say it’s heavy enough to be stoner metal. The fuzz just isn’t...