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Redeemer of Souls is out tomorrow!


Goatwhore occupy a singular niche in modern metal: beloved by many, but also mourned by a non-trivial demographic who bemoan the fact that they're...


Six years is a long time to wait between freshman and sophomore albums; especially when the freshman album is one of the best death...


After three long years since their morose breakthrough album, An Ache for the Distance, The Atlas Moth have returned with a dilemma that so many bands face. How...


With Arch Enemy’s new vocalist, former The Agonist vocalist Alissa White-Gluz, there was little questioning whether or not she’d be able to fill the...


In 2011, Decibel handing Tombs the distinction of "album of the year." With Savage Gold, you'd be hard-pressed to find a more eagerly anticipated...


The monsters are on their way. They're approaching now. You'll soon know them by the way they scream. You'll know them by way of...


American audiences may not be too familiar with criminally under-appreciated German speed institution Holy Moses, a band unique for two main reasons: having formed...


Last year we celebrated the Collaboration/Supergroup and I was well aware that a few rather interesting ones were on their way. Still on the way,...


Aborted. Only a death metal group could get away with a band name like that, especially for almost twenty years. Death metal has made...


Rhode Island is not a place you normally think of when the subject of strong metal scenes arise. Vital Remains and The Body spring to mind, but little...


Back in 2011, Austin Lunn, the mastermind behind one-man black metal project Panopticon, was studying zymurgy in Norway to prepare for the opening of his Hammerheart...


I'll just come out and say it: The Oath is a nearly picture-perfect, no nonsense heavy metal album. On their debut album, The Oath...


There's nothing wrong with thrashy-riffs, breakdowns and lyrics damning the pitfalls of modern society.


One of metal’s best kept secrets, San Francisco’s Slough Feg, has returned and the band once known as “The Lord Weird Slough Feg” isn’t any...

Black Metal History

Brooklyn, New York's Yellow Eyes are relatively new to the USBM game having just released their debut album in 2012. Despite the band's relative...

Black Metal History

What makes Nemesis Divina worth repeated listening and fond waxing in articles like this one is the brilliant creativity and utterly transcendent musicality and...


The topic of ‘supergroup’ or ‘all-star’ band conjures some images of epic failures and some distinguished triumphs; De La Tierra being billed this way immediately...


I've never actually looked forward to the time around Valentine's Day, until 2014. If I'm giving anyone a heart-shaped box this year, that thing...


We here at Metal Injection don't review a lot of reissues – the upcoming Black Metal History Month aside – but there's a reason...


There is no band like Black Flag. And I can say that finally in present tense because they're back! Joy of fucking joys. One...


There's nothing quite like an album that's pissed off. An album that is so dead set to kill that the first strikes of its...


When trying to talk about Winds of Plague, I'm at a loss for words, as I don't feel that strongly either way. They seem...