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Search results for "MODE"


Electric Citizen might be about to take over the world, and this record is their exciting next step.


Nattesferd serves as the culmination of Kvelertak's career as a band up to this point, a satisfying payoff to their trajectory from a relatively...


Haken had no need to prove anything on this record. Their past few releases have been nothing less than monumental. I can't confidently claim...


NTW is a plenty worthy release. It's just going to make you wish that there was more.


Purson's sophomore release, Desire's Magic Theatre, is their coming of age, a record that starts off with a ballad to DMT and gets better...


This is a doom band only just starting to make good, but with the potential to go far. Joining them for the ride could...


Straight to the point, no bullshit, no frills, no filler, nothing but solid brass knuckles track by track.


In 2014, the band's release of Up In Hell showed promise consisting of a slight nü metal and hardcore fusion. Two years later, Incite...


There are many solos incorporated throughout, they are nimble, decisive and carry a proficient charm to them.


I've always viewed metalcore as one of the genres that suffered from pigeonholing the most. But in recent years, many key groups from the...


Along with the two volumes of Metal for Muthas, the Metal Massacre series loom large over the history of heavy metal in the 1980's....


The Bendal Interlude bring it all together with their latest release. Can you handle the Death & Roll madness?


American Head Charge is a good example of one of those bands that got left behind. Riding the nü metal wave, they found limited...


What can be said with faithful finality is that listening to Moonsorrow is a cinematic experience. Their brand of monolithic and aristocratic blackened pagan...


Church of Misery rely heavily on the strength of their music, which bears a strong familiarity that could be equal parts turn on or...


If you were to attempt to paste a label on their music, they would be a solid metal/post rock/rock/ambient/hardcore/punk/post metal/doom outfit. Metal works for...


Stating Spiritual Beggars' Sunrise to Sundown would've been more well received 30 years ago is certainly no understatement, yet additionally the execution proves that...


One of the most raw and balls out fun bands in death metal, Like Rats have gotten better than ever with II.


Though stylistically adventurous, the unifying thread across The Gospel lies in adherence to an interrelated group of early-to-mid 1980's musical genres, namely the aforementioned...


Inverloch is a relatively young project with plenty of room to move outside the shadow of its legacy. I'm just not sure which direction...


The leaders of the new wave of American heavy metal return with their crushing and heart-wrenching seventh album, Incarnate.


The sophomore album from this Houston-based sextet ought to cement their place in the upper echelon of modern progressive metal.


Consistency is the order of the day here, which is what makes For All Kings a notable improvement over Worship Music. This feels more...