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I went into this review with absolutely no knowledge of Vorum or any of their past work. Looking at the album cover, they could...


The moment is finally here; the Time is now (hur-hur). I suppose the default question must be: "does it meet expectations?" But could anything,...


In my review of their last album, Wormwood, I praised The Acacia Strain for their raw anger and brutality, but complained about the lack...


As I Lay Dying never cease to amaze me with every release; they are one of the few bands that I’ve heard who can...

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For someone who likes heavy music in all its forms, Vision of Disorder really is the best of all worlds. In one band you...


Now, I’ll admit that polka-influenced folk metal isn’t for everyone. Complaints about the genre vary, ranging from derision of the unmetal instruments and arrangements,...


Is there really such thing as an unlikely location for a metal band to originate these days? Process of Guilt are natives of Portugal,...


Epic. Masterpiece. Mind-blowing. Superlative, superlative, superlative. It's hard to hide my excitement here; Portal Of I, down to its final note, is the perfect...


Sweden’s Marduk has long been one of my favorite Black Metal acts. While they are rightly criticized for their overuse of blast-beats and other...


If Umskiptar offers me little else, it at least represents closure. I gave last year's Fallen good marks – a review I still stand...


Over the last decade Pelican have increasingly positioned themselves at the clean, accessible end of the post-metal spectrum, their spare, uncluttered sonority more of...


Along with American juggernauts Cannibal Corpse and Sweden's Spawn of Possession, France's Gorod have helped finish off what has been one of the best...


God Forbid is one of the most recognized names in American metal music. There’s never much negative criticism towards them, and with good reason;...


Autolatry is a Progressive Black Metal band from eastern Connecticut. Readers who like to make the trek over to MetalSucks may have heard of...


Beyond Black Sabbath, traditional doom puts me to sleep. My interest in the bleak arts is only piqued by the extraordinary; Pallbearer are precisely...


Being beaten to death is a pretty rudimentary way to go, in the context of extreme music. Norway’s Beaten To Death, however, are anything...


Mollusk grab my attention with an air of mysterious, volatile viscosity.   Majestic, reverberating riffs and subtle, superb drumming give Mollusk's debut the vibe...


"Filth flarrin' flarrin' filth!"  Eddie Murphy was channeling a repulsed Bill Cosby when he uttered those words on 1987's Raw, but he might as...


I’ve seen Carnifex live a couple of times, first at Summer Slaughter in 2010, and again this past spring at New England Metal and...


In the heart of every music fan there is a shrine of sound, a cache of albums that comprise our sonic comfort zone. Most...


With Fuck the Facts, there is no point of reference. The band's fierce creativity renders metal genre taxonomy useless. Beyond grindworthy vocals, their past...


Hardcore in its myriad forms is outside of my comfort zone.  It's funny, then, that I should be so comfortable with the music of...


"If I can compare it to any other band, it would have to be Opeth, but it's different from the stuff we've done before....