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Search results for "Ages"


Blackened death metal. Lvcifyre's style is by now an old, well-established form of extreme music with its own tropes and series of listener expectations....


I love how Caliban has rolled with some of the minor changes that metalcore has had over the years. I got into them right...


The topic of ‘supergroup’ or ‘all-star’ band conjures some images of epic failures and some distinguished triumphs; De La Tierra being billed this way immediately...


The third full-length from one of Sacramento's best kept secrets, is an ambient sludge doozy.


In the late 90's and early 00's, Rhapsody of Fire (simply Rhapsody at the time) were one of the undisputed heavyweight bands of power metal. There were...


Ovid's Withering made a fairly large splash in the metal community early on in 2012 with their Cloud Gatherer EP, and then seemingly vanished...


Ohio's gore metal pioneers Necrophagia have a long, storied, and complicated career in the death metal underground. The band has existed in various incarnations for...


Not that I have immediate bias against artists on Victory Records, because there are a few I really do like, but you pretty much...


Tres Cabrones is the second Melvins album in five months, and like its predecessor, Everybody Loves Sausages, there is a bit of stunting involved here. Whereas Sausages focused on a...


It's been three years since Castevet unveiled their debut album, Mounds of Ash. The record received widespread critical acclaim and helped solidify the legitimacy...


Is it October in an odd-numbered year? Then it's clearly time for another Skeletonwitch record, right? Ignoring 2004's At One With the Shadows – an easy...


For as good as 2011's Scurrlious is, it had MASSIVE footsteps to follow after the band's monumental Fortress. It didn't quite live up to it sadly, and...


Before I started listening to this album, the first thing I thought of was: "funny they gave it the name Sister, there's an old...


Dream Theater have had an interesting release history; from classic records like Images and Words and Scenes From A Memory, the band released what's...


Can't think anything other than "Holy shit, I've seeing Shining Thursday with Cormorant." What should I wear to a "blackjazz" show? Corpse paint? Fancy...


I was hoping—really hoping—that the new Inquisition album would have an even longer title than the last one did. No such luck. Also I...


On October 27, 2012 Devin Townsend – more specifically the Devin Townsend Project – performed a concert that was to be the most encompassing, career-spanning show...


Recently I started reading Henry Rollins' Broken Summers and a sentence struck grossly true for myself: “All too often, contemporary music doesn't give me what...


Imagine a smoke filled room. The acrid air, the fogginess of vision; all the senses permeated by the thick haze. This is the essence...


Finnish folk metal superstars, Turisas, have recently completed their fourth full length album, Turisas2013. It is nothing like any of their previous releases. It...


No matter what you might think of the band, their style or the evolution of their mainman Dez Fafara since his early days earning...


Eight years after his near-perfect debut Oniric Metal, keyboardist and composer Vivien Lalu is back with a much more refined and mature approach on crafting...


With no intended disrespect toward the other members, I don't think it's too controversial to claim that Josh Homme was always Kyuss' ace in the...