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Search results for "eric"


With a four-year gap between records, two lineup changes and an entire rerecording, it was fair for anticipation of Skyharbor's long-awaited third album to...


Somewhere amidst the rise of metalcore and post-hardcore, the notion of meshing pop music elements with metal emerged. Heavy instrumentals were flipped upside down...


Singer Otep Shamaya is well-known for her honest lyrics and no-nonsense view on social injustice. You could say she forged herself a career in...


Witchkiss are gathering their collective force and we have a feeling that they will soon be representing the next generation of doom and kicking...


Vermilia blends clean and harsh vocals with excellent riffs to create a truly captivating and dramatic listen on "Kätkyt." An extremely impressive debut outing...


While there are plenty of disagreements within the metal community ranging from which band is subjectively better than others to more ethical based concerns,...


After some time writing for this site, I've become aware that metal is not exclusive to the first world countries that we associate heavy...


In 2011, the formation of the Denver-based Wayfarer took place. May 25, 2018 will mark the release of their third full-length album World's Blood....


When former Witch Mountain vocalist, Uta Plotkin announced her departure from the band back in 2014, the belief was that the Portland veterans were...


If you’re open to guttural foundations with luminous shades of spirituality, Hierurgy should definitely be on your radar.


It’s the kind of thing you gotta sit down and listen to and let pummel you.


The Body's I Have Fought Against It, But I Can’t Any Longer, is a theatrical exploration of pain, depression, and darkness. Its atmospheric approach...


At The Gates newest album, To Drink From The Night Itself, is an outstanding achievement of art


Never has a form of music united (and divided) people such as black metal. Never has a form of music tapped into the deepest,...


Today, we are looking at New York-based Death Metal trio, Aeviterne. Recently the band popped up to show off their brand of technical death...


Praise the horrors of space with Necroexophilia’s new album, Intergalactic Armageddon


Breaking Benjamin. Synonymous in everyone's mind with the mild-yet-catchy chorus of “The Diary of Jane." At least it was that way for me. The Pennsylvania...


Serum Dreg's crusty debut is a lively and entertaining throwback to black metal's heyday that should be an easy sell for fans of the...


The Level Above Human is an excellent achievement for Ingested, showcasing their supreme mastery in crafting violent music.


Considering how long it’s been gestating, it’s downright remarkable that Eat the Elephant is so richly surprising, dependable, and multifaceted (in every way possible).


Panopticon's newest album is an easy contender for album of the year. Prepare for a magnificent journey in the double album experience that is,...


Lurking behind the wall of trends and polished tides of sound are bands whose output dwells within stranger realms—unattached to the expectations of the...


Beyond the Mortal Gate is a great album for black metal devotees eager to hear the sound taken to new and interesting places, but...