Science fiction influenced death metal is how everyone should start their day. If you are in need of the musical equivalent to the sci-fi epic, Alien, look no further than Necroexophilia’s Intergalactic Armageddon—out now on CDN. The two man crew of Tommy Rouse (vocals) and Justin McNeil (drummer/Composer/Guitarist) bring forth a cosmic devastation of slamming death metal.
“Amongst The Cosmic Carnage” churns out guttural vocal work that in no way could come from this planet. The overall rhythm slithers and slams with a grimy texture; each crashing drum cymbal and guitar note exudes a murky, thick blend throughout the composition. The self-titled track opens with a sinister guitar rhythm that casts an ominous tone. The drum tempo intensifies in each rampant clash alongside the guitar work. Towards the end, McNeil tosses in a bright inflection amongst the rhythm, the guitar emits this twilight creepiness. “Hyperspace Homicide” rides to a faster tempo, offering a maelstrom of hysteric instrumentation. While there is a level of technicality at play throughout the album, Necroexophilia is all about the slam.
There is some repetition to be found among the songs. That said, Intergalactic Armageddon does a great job playing into the horror/science fiction atmosphere. The music honors the alien/cosmic horror theme, presenting an array of grotesque and creepy tones. Sporadic instrumentation layers on the frenzy, making a record that is straight up fun.
The rhythm of “Abysmal Empyreal Upheaval” trudges forth at a menacing pace. The track finds itself between brutal speed and an ominous crawl; the song shifts in tempo throughout its runtime. The guitar work emits brighter tones, presenting these chilling carnival-like swirls of sound. The final track, “Quantum Catastrophe,” blazes forth with unrelenting shredding and drum beat. It’s the typical structure we’ve come to hear in the songs before it—all while still offering an exhilarating rush of brutal death metal.
Intergalactic Armageddon is one hell of a fun record. Necroexophilia set out to create an album that captures the cosmic horrors of space, and have successfully done so. For anyone who likes their death metal with ferocious slams and plenty of aliens, Intergalactic Armageddon should be on your list of records to grab.
Score: 7/10
Buy Intergalactic Armageddon now through CDN Records.