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Are you gonna be my band? The answer is no.

Breakups & Shakeups

"We want to thank you for your support over the past two decades."

This Is Just A Tribute

We wish Snare's friends and family all the best.


There was a pretty clear cut winner.


Now that the Tony Martin reissues have arrived.


Featuring Arch Enemy, Svalbard, Entheos, Nova Twins, and more!

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"He was kind of on to something on that because it kind of started to take a downturn after that."

Music Videos

Boundaries is now streaming their new single "A Pale Light Lingers" featuring guest vocals from Alpha Wolf's Lochie Keogh and a video by Errick...

Breakups & Shakeups

You ever secretly give someone estrogen so they look less manly and then you can steal their partner?

New Music

Imagine a blender filled with molten riffs, intricate time signatures, and gut-wrenching vocals, and then set it to "pulverize."