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"It's not about the tempo or technicality – it’s something else."

br00tal Comedy

Have you seen this trailer for the movie Yesterday? It's about a dude who gets into a crash and wakes up the next day...

br00tal Comedy

Getting actual pyrotechnics can be very expensive but it's not the only way. Where there is a will, there is a way and this genius...


"I’ve played it safe for the past decade with DTP [Devin Townsend Project] and I have a lot of things left to say that...


Welcome to Throwback Thursday! This is the place where we get to indulge in nostalgia and wax poetic about excellent metal of years past....

Shocking Revelations

"I think that people don’t realize how clever that guy is."

br00tal Comedy

I am being incredibly hyperbolic when I say this is the most important mash up of our time, but I don't care. Combining Rage...


Welcome back to Throwback Thursday. This is the place where we get to indulge in nostalgia and wax poetic about excellent metal of years...

Music Videos

Tech-death super formation, Exist, will release their monster album, So True, So Bound, via Prosthetic Records on June 9th. The album is made up...

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I’ve been talking about IGORRR for years now. Whether it’s annoying my friends about how he’s the biggest musical genius I’ve stumbled on in...

Upcoming Releases

Well this is the best news I’ve heard all day! You might have heard us go on, and on, and on about the prince...


This is pretty sweet.

Around the Interwebs

The bane of the existence of the internet is spam, and one of the big ways to combat it is through CAPTCHA, which is...

Around the Interwebs

We've talked about metal and religion "joining forces" before when spotlighting a metal church in Colombia, but there are some fans of God here...


"You'll be enamored and entirely transported with Nell' Ora Blu. Give it a listen immediately."

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I mean... don't plagiarize, and then you won't get sued.


A legendary "welcome back!"

Weekly Injection

Plus releases from Benighted, Eidola, Heavy Temple, Northlane, and Spit On Your Grave.


"The Mandrake Project was easily worth the 10-year gestation period and the 20-year wait since Tyranny Of Souls."


"By adding traditional metal elements laced together with clever song writing, Persefone have crafted a genius, modern metal album."