The Black Queen, the Los Angeles-based trio featuring Greg Puciato (The Dillinger Escape Plan), Josh Eustis (Telefon Tel Aviv, Nine Inch Nails) and Steven Alexander, will be dropping Fever Daydream sometime toward the end of 2015. We've actually posted about the project before, but we didn't really know much about it… until now and holy shit is it chilled out.
Puciato explained the group's music a little bit too, along with the visual element.
"There's a really visual soundtrack element to the music.Ā We talked a lot about the feel of '80s sci-fi, the sort of 'used future' thing where it sounds alien but also familiar and gives you nostalgia for a time you don't remember ever existing. Stanley Kubrick was a big influence as well."
The single is currently available on iTunes.