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I am beyond excited for the season 3 premiere of The Walking Dead. For some reason, I stopped watching the show last season and...

Injection Reflection

What a week it's been. As we say goodbye to September, let's look back at the ten most visited pages this week. Remember, there...

Injection Reflection

It's been a crazy week here at Metal Injection, we are most proud of launching our new series, Peavey presents Louder Education. Check it...

Injection Reflection

The weekend is here. We'll have a really awesome guest on the Livecast this Sunday, Josh Travis of DANZA and Glass Cloud. So we...

Injection Reflection

The Labor Day weekend is upon us! This is also my birthday weekend. On Sunday's Livecast, I will be celebrating my birthday live on...

Injection Reflection

Summer is almost over, but the metal world is heating up with controversy. Here are the 10 most visited pages on the site this...

Injection Reflection

Here are the most viewed stories and videos of the week: New Footage Of Randy Blythe Incident Surfaces Showing Security Assaulting Fan In Question...


Six years is an eternity in metal years. Entire trends rise and die off in a mere half-decade with a fair amount of consistency....


If there’s one subgenre of metal that has way too many bands to claim, it’s probably metalcore. Nowadays, you really have to be cutting...

Latest News

We've already seen a teaser trailer for Rock Of Ages, the new movie based on the hit Broadway musical based on the top hit...

Black Metal History

Niege has once again metamorphosed into a new sound by creating the third Alcest album and almost completely shed his black metal roots. Les...


Watching the terrible trailer for the Rock of Ages film based on the musical based on all those hair metal songs from the 80s,...

Shocking Revelations

Make it stop! Only because I enjoy torturing you junkies, do I decide to post this topless Tom Cruise still from the forthcoming Rock...

Around the Interwebs

I can't believe this actually got published, but there is actually a Heavy Metal Fun Time Activity Book. I used to love coloring books...


If you're like me, you are really sick of bands with over-designed MySpace pages. What originally started as a way to accent your profile,...


By Ben Apatoff Everything that you could guess about BISON B.C.'s music from their name is probably true. It can shift a plodding stomp...


You can see some pictures from the “Not Alone” video shoot at the ALL THAT REMAINS MySpace page. GENERAL SURGERYhave parted ways with vocalist...


"Honestly, the biggest flaw of Phantoma is a gripe that could be made about a lot of power metal: too much of it sounds...


Cannibal Corpse and Amon Amarth ripped through the MODA Center in Portland, OR on April 26, and our photographer Alison Webster was there to...

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"For me, it's three shows marking five years since our final shows."

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"That'll be probably coming out on the special edition of the new album."


Shout out to photographer Smitty Neal.