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Latest News

They make... well, a lot of money. It's not easy, though!


There are plenty of prolific musicians within the metal community who balance multiple projects simultaneously like a successful juggling circus act. But no artist...

This Is Just A Tribute

Caleb meant a lot to many in the community

Music Videos

If you were disappointed by the first track, the band's second single, “Council of Wolves and Snakes,” seems like more of a return to...

Weekly Injection

This edition includes some cool live stuff, long awaited returns, some grossness, and more! To the metals...

RIP a Livecast

It's opening day of baseball season, and The RIP a Livecast is ready to play ball. We kick things off with fart talk and...

This Is Just A Tribute

The crash was so bad, they couldn't immediately identify the gender of the victim.


"Some fans are completely opposite to me politically. But we can still be in the same room and have a good time and hopefully...


Godsmack spent all this money ON A TRAILER?!?

Live Footage

Where they played the Horrorscope and Feel The Fire albums live in full.

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The event will be hosted by Hatebreed frontman Jamey Jasta.

It's Just Business

"No label, band, management, anything. It could be a trip up my own ass, but I feel I’ve earned that trip. I think it’s...


Two new mushrooms have found their heads, or something.


It’s probably easy to assume that all the classic heavy metal groups in history started off with inspired records, but looking back, that’s not...

Latest News

Y'know, like one where you can actually hear Jason Newsted. He's not sure though.


In the back of my skull, I always remembered Will Haven as that noisy sludge meets metalcore band. Yet, such a brief assessment is...

Music Videos

Although they hail from the famously pleasant country of Canada, BornBroken, might be the heaviest and angriest thing we've heard from their parts in...

Record Sales

Vinyl continues to still be popular, streaming is still killing it.