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Upcoming Releases

It's a huge week for metal, so I'll spare you the cute introduction and get right to it. Without further ado, let's take a...


Some of histories greatest bands weren’t extremely revolutionary, original, or pioneering a new way of life through their music. Some of them simply did...

Fuck Yes!

Epicloud which is scheduled to be released later this year by the Devin Townsend Project just got a whole lot sweeter! Over the weekend...

Latest News

Animals As Leaders strike me as one of the least violent metal bands out there. Which is why I was so shocked to hear...

Oh, Danzig

You read that right, folks. The headline says it all. Ahh Danzig, almost as fun to write about as Dave Mustaine. Seeing as though...

Upcoming Releases

At this very moment, chugs are being laid down to wax. That's because Hatebreed is in the studio recording a new album. The band...

Free Swag

It's that time of year again! Every year,  Metal Injection proudly brings to you our Rockstar Energy Mayhem Fest ticket giveaway. We will be...


I often associate death/doom with waiting, persevering for that perfect riff, enduring the dirge for that most heart-rending of melodies. My ears don't deal...

Upcoming Releases

A glance at this weeks release schedule will immediately reveal two things; a lack of major releases, and an absurd amount of releases you've...


Weregoat may be from Portland but they want no fucking part of that "Cascadian black metal" shit. Featuring Kevin Schreutelkamp, drummer of Ritual Necromancy,...


Coined by producer/Hate Eternal frontman Erik Rutan, Alex Webster is the Steve Harris of death metal. Webster, one of the two remaining original members...

Breakups & Shakeups

Looks like the clues were right! A few months ago Oceano said they were calling it quits and their last show would be at...


Along with American juggernauts Cannibal Corpse and Sweden's Spawn of Possession, France's Gorod have helped finish off what has been one of the best...


It's Monday, and today is a big day for a ton of releases, and the first day of the work week for many. As...


Five years is certainly a long time to wait in-between album releases, but when your material is as daunting, dense and brutal as Spawn...


Final installment, y'all. If you don't already have an app to get your shit together you can find one here. You'll want to utilize...


Vision of Disorder is fucking back, people! The hardcore band has signed to Candlelight Records, and plans on hitting the studio next month to...


Charging up their batteries for an imminent European tour, Matthew Skarajew and Paul Mazziotta of diSEMBOWELMENT, er… d.USK, er… Inverloch take a brief respite...

Latest News

Lamb Of God's Resolution charted at number 3 on the Billboard charts this week, with a whopping 52,000 copies sold in the United States...

Black Metal History

As a part of Black Metal History Month, we will be looking back at some essential black metal albums that any fan should be...

Upcoming Releases

Anyone remember the acoustic songs TesseracT played for our video segment called Studio Sessions this past May? The band performed three songs with vocalist...


Even as a staunch supporter of Richmond’s metal titans Lamb of God, their last album Wrath simply didn’t compare to their previous releases. The...

Best of 2011

There are dozens of factors that go into creating a "great" record, and I try to consider them all while listening to music of...