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Search results for "testament"

Latest News

All money goes to Direct Relief to benefit the people of Haiti.

Live Footage

Testament performs "More Than Meets The Eye" Live at 70,000 Tons of Metal

Metal Injection Bootlegs

Cannibal Corpse's "Hammer Smashed Face" covered by members of Carcass, Testament, Dying Fetus, and Annihilator on the 70,000 Tons Of Metal!

Metal Injection Exclusives

Members of Death Angel, Testament, Annihilator, and Serenity perform AC/DC's "Riff Raff" at the all star jam on this year's 70,000 Tons of Metal.

RIP a Livecast

Rob is coming to the Livecast straight from the 70,000 Tons of Metal cruise and he's got a bunch of stories. We talk about...

Celebrity Metalheads

"Inconceivable that any of these pop-culture vultures know who the heck any of the bands are. My guess is he thinks it's a religious...

Tour Dates

Man, today seems to be the day all these festivals are announcing their lineups, so the New England Metal and Hardcore Festival have decided...

Tour Dates

Testament are celebrating the release of their new album, The Brotherhood of the Snake, in style. The band just announced a massive North American...


The album comes with an unspoken mandate: don't rock the boat. Testament are sticking with the formula that works and giving the fans what...

Shocking Revelations

Sepultura could've been a very, very different band.

Music Videos

Testament is all about conspiracies lately.

Weekly Injection

This edition goes out to everyone that complains I don't talk about heavy bands. Our final Weekly Injection of October includes some sludge, blackened...

Around the Interwebs

He also tells a hilarious Hulk Hogan anecdote.


I've given the new Testament album, The Brotherhood of the Snake a few spins and so far, it's another great Testament record. These guys...

Around the Interwebs

If you get the High Score, you get to be a member of the band (probably).

Upcoming Releases

We've been writing about the forthcoming new Testament album for what seems like forever, but we are finally approaching its release date.


The melo-death masters are back!

Upcoming Releases

Could we finally get that Testament record?

Latest News

Is there anything Blythe doesn't do at this point?