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Ask Me...I'm Right

On the heels of wrapping up the most extreme tour of the Summer, we present another thrilling advice column from The Red Chord bassist...

RIP a Livecast

On this edition of the RIP a Livecast, we welcome a friend of ours, Rich Hall of 1000KNIVES. We started off the show discussing...

Upcoming Releases

The Acacia Strain have been posting many hilarious studio updates over the last few weeks to get you guys stoked for their new CD....

Show Recap

by Graham "Gruhamed" Hartmann For a while now, Australian spectral doom band PORTAL has been seeing some serious underground support. Mostly through online metal...

Bummer Alert

A mere few days after we learned of the passing of Ronnie James Dio, metal has lost another musician. Multiple news outlets are reporting...

Relapse Records Podcast

Note from Editor: We are proud to introduce the newest show in the Metal Injection Podcast family, the Relapse Records podcast. We have teamed...

Breakups & Shakeups

I guess some people really can't stand weed! According to a fan report sumbitted to MetalSucks (now former) Arsis bassist Nathanial Carter quit the...

Tour Dates

Ozzfest 2010 is official! It's coming. Unlike previous incarnations of the tour, which saw it run throughout the entire country for a month, or...


We've seen Saturday Night Live take shots at ICP in the past, and now it looks to be a recurring sketch as we got...

Show Recap

by: Robert Pasbani The day after the Golden Gods Awards, Opeth were playing their final 20th Anniversary celebration show at the Wiltern in Los...

Back in the Day

By: Navjot Kaur Sobti Respiring in the capillaries of all we hail as classic and timeless in thrash is METALLICA'S Master of Puppets. The...

Latest News

UPDATE: Read about the WINNERS at the 2010 Golden Gods Last year, Revolver announced that the States would get their first metal-exclusive award show...

Tour Dates

By: Navjot Kaur Just as it seemed that the East Coast was getting all the epic metalfests, California has stepped it up with a...

Best of 2009

A few weeks ago, we opened up a forum thread asking you junkies to submit your top 10 albums of the year. We would...


This year there were many hilarious videos. I went through our br00tal Comedy channel archives and picked out the best funny videos of the...


On the newest edition of The FiX, we hang out with members of the THE FACELESS, DYING FETUS and BENEATH THE MASSACRE, three bands...

Latest News

My fellow Americans, the time is coming for us to buy plane tickets, catch a boat or start swimming to France. That's right, industrial...

Latest News

Wow, in an awesome reveal on their MySpace page, THE FACELESS have announced that they will be playing their most recent release, Planetary Duality,...

RIP a Livecast

We know we say new episodes every week, but it's been a while since we took a week off, plus America's funnyman, and one...

Latest News

Overcoming tour cancellations and a revolving door lineup, ARSIS have set a title (Starve for the Devil) and a release date (January 15) for...

Weekly Video Recap

We haven't done one of these in a while, but this week there were so many videos posted that we felt this would be...


So much great new music, so little time! No talk, just play: VictoryMetal.com has posted a stream of a brand new song from BETWEEN...

Latest News

So I was reading Metal Inquisition's fantastic write-up of WINDS OF PLAGUE and during the interview with frontman Johnny Plague, Sargent D asked what...