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Cinema Fix

We love our metal here at Metal Injection… but we dig movies too! Welcome to Cinema Fix, a movie guide tailored for the metal...

Upcoming Releases

"He does a verse, I do a verse, we sing the chorus together, and it's a real heavy shit-kicker."

Upcoming Releases

"In the end, we expect this album to be between 12 and 15 brand new Static-X tracks. It's the original lineup back together for...

In The Studio

The Madness of Many came out in Nov. 2016, so that makes sense.


"The album’s cover art, which depicted Satan inhaling smoke from a bong with black towers of an ancient city behind him, beckoned the interest...

Black Friday

Finland's enigmatic black metal project will release it's new album next week.


Did Gorod write a masterpiece in six weeks?

It's Just Business

The ex-band was also ordered to pay Tobias Forge's legal fees.

The Monday Grind

It's Monday and Mondays suck, so let' grind it out with Retortion Terror's self-titled EP.

Bummer Alert

Our best wishes to Ozzy Osbourne.

Bands and Booze

The beer is 4.07% ABV and was brewed with jalapeños and fresh citrus peels.

Latest News

A toxic mix of hard drugs were found in her system.

Today I Learned

"Rubin helped come up with those ideas — and he's Jewish. People always complain, but we learned a long time ago to ignore that...

Shocking Revelations

We just received this breaking news press release concerning Ozzy Osbourne's show tonight at Shoreline Amphitheatre in Mountain View, CA. It has been postponed...


Chile goes hard for Cannibal Corpse.


Hey there tech fiends, it's that time of the week again. Before we dive into today's focus, here's the usual reminder that if you're...


Everything from Artificial Brain, Dødheimsgard and Suffocation to Black Sabbath, Nevermore, and Steve Vai.

New Music

Across almost eight minutes, the solo multi-instrumentalist strings together deeply poignant guitar chords and melodies. They form a beautiful and immersive post-rock, much like...