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Search results for "8"

Tour Dates

If you have a friend or a loved one that "supports" your interests in heavy metal, but doesn't quite "get it," may I make...

Kids In Metal

We've seen plenty of kids do great covers but 7-year-old MoMo Demonster is in a field all on his own. Watching this kid crush...


If you want to be technical, Fronzak already had a tiny thunderbolt tattooed on his face and has the sides of his head tattooed,...

Bummer Alert

Manson complained of heat poisoning.

Bummer Alert

Food poisoning is to blame.

Latest News

Featuring members of Cynic and more current and former Fates Warning dudes.


Trivium's Corey Beaulieu talks songwriting on The Sin and The Sentence, addition of Alex Bent, fusing influences and becoming a gateway band for metal.

New Music

The band featuring ex-Machine Head guitarist Logan Mader.

Kids In Metal

The next generation of metalheads will be alright, if there are more parents like this little kid has. This kid ONLY wants Judas Priest,...

It's Just Business

"Whenever I see people complain about the demise of the industry, we're past that, we are in the new paradigm now."

Latest News

Kurt Ballou and Machine want to teach you about mixing.

Latest News

The couple had two kids together.

Caption Contest

First thing's first: Last week's winner! Congratulations to MarkMetalMCP, who had the best zinger: "It's good to see more chicks getting into metal." Now...

Funeral Doom Friday

I thought it fitting to seal the casket on this column by covering the newest album from one of my favorite new funeral doom...

Upcoming Releases

Deftones have a month and a half of down time.

Upcoming Releases

“What are we presenting with this album? Humanity’s unfaltering march prone towards downfall”

Fuck Yes!

"Davis refused to sing until a Scarface-sized pile of cocaine was placed in front of him at the mic."

Metal Merch

Get the guitar Hinds recorded Mastodon songs with.


Mushroomhead could arguably be one of metal’s most underappreciated bands. Formed in the 1990’s, the Ohio-based nine-piece group has always been determined to stand...