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Nergal Says He Stole The Idea Of A Kids Choir On "God=Dog" From Actor Ryan Gosling

Yeah, the guy from The Notebook.

Yeah, the guy from The Notebook.

Behemoth's new single "God=Dog" seems to have been pretty divisive among the band's fanbase. One of the more talked-about aspects of the song was the children's choir toward the end, which frontman and guitarist Nergal tells Metalshop TV was an idea he got from actor Ryan Gosling's band.

Yes, Ryan Gosling, the guy who was in such movies as The Notebook, La La Land, Driver, Blade Runner 2049 and more.

"I stole that idea from Ryan Gosling — I don't know if you know that actor. Not only is he a great actor, he's also a great musician. He's got his own band. I believe he's got one record under his belt. It's him, it's very folky, it's very like Me And That Man, and he's got all these kids choirs. That's how I got inspired to use kids choir in Me And That Man.

"But then I thought, 'Okay, Me And That Man, it came out really cool. I like it. But how about…?' 'Cause, to me, kids and their voices, it represents all the innocence of human nature, because kids are innocent, kids are clean. And just combining this with the whole ideaology behind the song and combining kids choirs, incorporating it in such an extreme and crazy song, I thought, 'Okay…' That's what I love in art the most — a lot of dynamics."

Behemoth's new album I Loved You At Your Darkest on October 5 and we're throwing a listening party for it. Grab the details for that here and grab the album on pre-order below.


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