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Search results for "Inis"

Metal Crimes

Remember Corelia? You'd be forgiven if you didn't. The progressive band made waves in 2011 with their release, Nostalgia. Four years later, they launched...

Shocking Revelations

As some experts predict large gatherings over 100 people are not going to happen until at least fall 2021, could Slipknot be planning some...


Owain Wyn Evans, the hero we need.

Latest News

Rock Am Ring and Rock Im Park are also cancelled.

Music Videos

For all the guff I've given Asking Alexandria over the years, I have come to appreciate that they are a gateway band, much like...

Full Album Stream

Hey there, tech fiends. It's that time of the week again. Before we dive into today's focus, here's the usual weekly reminder that if you're...

Weekly Injection

This week's new heavy metal releases include symphonic metal legends, a guitar legend, the legendary Witch Taint, and more! To the metals...

Latest News

As more June shows get canceled (you hear that Motley Crue?), you shouldn't be too shocked to hear that Hellfest has decided to cancel...


Rob is joined by RIP a Livecast co-host 3D for a crossover episode recapping both nights of WWE WrestleMania. We go through each match...


The release for thrash icons Testament's 13th studio album Titans of Creation is anything but lucky. From a European trek marred by a near-disastrous...


On this edition, I talk to author Guy Evans, author of NITRO: The Incredible Rise and Inevitable Collapse of Ted Turner's WCW. We talk...

Back in the Day

Like a lot of radio stations, MTV really didn't know what to do with Nine Inch Nails when the band's sonic wave hit in...

Full Album Stream

The Denver, Colorado black/death entity--at long last--unleashes their debut album. Read an in-depth interview with the band's members.


Infectious diseases are a constant threat looming over humanity. Diseases have shaped our past and will forge our future. It is thus no surprise...


Back in 2017, Savage Sinusoid was without a doubt a landmark album, surprising the metal community and boasting the next level of experimental heavy...

Injection Reflection

It's only been a week? Feels like it's been a month! Here's what you missed this week: Rumor: Is KERRY KING Launching A New...


Moon Destroys, the brain child of guitarist Juan Montoya (Killer be Killed / ex – Torche) and drummer Evan Diprima (Brother Hawk, ex –...

Weekly Injection

This week's new heavy metal releases include grungy dad rock, wild French electronic metal, doomy demos, and more! To the metals...

New Music

One of the most interesting aspects of the sludge and doom metal scenes rise to prominence over the last few years has been how...