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Tour Dates

Carnifex are promising to only do one U.S. tour this year and they just announced dates. The tour will see different lineups in different...

Bummer Alert

Marchais has revealed he is battling Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, a blood cancer affecting the body's immune system.

Metal In The Mainstream

It was a night of celebration for some rock and metal bands.


We're... not sure. He worded this one pretty weird.

Tour Dates

It's a long one, about two months.

Tour Dates

Jonathan Davis is hitting the ground running with his new solo album. Last week, he unveiled his new track "What It Is," with a...

Dank Slams

Sometimes, just sometimes, the message in slam can be a positive one. This isn't to say slam is a cesspool of negativity. Not at...

Full Album Stream

It's a prog masterpiece. Exactly like we thought it would be.

New Music

It's 1992 all over again, but with more black metal.

Weekly Injection

This edition includes weird shit, divisive albums, lots of feedback, stuff my cat dislikes, and more! To the metals...


“Hearing is for life, wear fucking earplugs at shows”

Scene Report

Pittsburgh is a great city for metal.

New Music

Definitely heavier than previous singles.

Upcoming Releases

Not the Garage, Inc. compilation, which is a different thing.