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New Music

Is Clown trolling us? That was my immediate thought when I listened to the Slipknot percussionist's newly released solo track, "Brainwash Love – Shhh."...

Tour Dates

Are you ready to get into the pit? Because come this fall, there will be a great tour coming around to help you achieve...

Shocking Revelations

The venue cites "circumstances beyond their control."

Tour Dates

It's been moved to December 18, 2022.

Bands and Booze

It's almost hard to believe that it's the 30th anniversary of Metallica's smash self-titled 1991 album, affectionately referred to as The Black Album. Metallica...


I've always felt the hallmark of a great festival is not only what happens on stage, but across the hall where relevant topics are...

Upcoming Releases

Clown has been very forthcoming recently about the status of new music from Slipknot. Yesterday, we learned that he said the band hopes to...

Tour Dates

Sarah Longfield will be there for a few dates too.


As United States citizens continue to get vaccinated, and various cities open up, it seems like almost in an instant, a ton of tours...

Shocking Revelations

Motley Crue frontman Vince Neil made headlines last week, when he played his first show since the pandemic began and had to end the...

New Music

Black Veil Brides are gearing up for a very busy 2021, as they have tour dates later this year and they are on the...

Gimme Metal's Top Tracks of the Week

Gimme Metal Program Director Brian Turner delivers the week's top 5 office buzz-worthy tracks. COFFIN LURKER – Of Suffering A murky wind of growling guitar...

Tour Dates

Depending on which date you go to, of course.

Upcoming Releases

"Yes. Yes. This one is a cobra in a basket."