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Search results for "Was"

Metal Crimes

It looks like the family is trying to get this entire ordeal behind them and try to move on.

Mashups & Covers

"Master of Puppets" is arguably Metallica's magnum opus, everything that is great about Metallica can be found in this song and it's not an...


Ministry's longevity and commitment to politically driven industrial music is absolutely impressive. Founder and mastermind Al Jourgenson is as wild onstage as he was...


Lurking behind the wall of trends and polished tides of sound are bands whose output dwells within stranger realms—unattached to the expectations of the...


A big WrestleMania moment for two top shredders of hard rock.

Metal Science

"We're not saying that doctors should be worrying about everyone wearing a Metallica t-shirt."


"Essentially, it's a record about survival, even though it's a record totally drenched with the threat of death."

Latest News

"That is punk as fuck," Blythe said to his then-girlfriend. "That's the band I'm going to sing for."

Caption Contest

First thing's first: Last week's winner! Congratulations to All the Ramen on the Sky, who had the best zinger: "Bassist: I told you those...


We're pretty sure we're onto System of A Down's latest tease.

Upcoming Releases

"Now I think maybe [we'll be] returning a little bit more to the roots, and that probably involves a little bit of a harder...

New Music

It's about getting shit done, says guitarist and vocalist Jadran "Conan" Gonzalez.

Tour Dates

But will they ever return to the United States?

Weekly Injection

This edition includes epic-ness in a few forms, lots of grooves, and more! To the metals...

Upcoming Releases

Taylor doesn't want to make any promises he can't keep.

Fuck Yes!

New music? New shows?