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Latest News

"Our band has not had a lot of great progress with band members going solo."

Upcoming Releases

This and the next one might also be the last ones.

Tour Dates

Plus Corrosion Of Conformity, Torche, Red Fang, The Atomic Bitchwax, and more!


Remember when we thought the world was going to end in 2012? Turns out they were about a decade off, which is nice because...


Thanksgiving is the perfect time to start a gratitude journal in order to express your appreciation for all the bands that are currently working...

Tour Dates

Corrosion Of Conformity, Red Fang, Torche, Orange Goblin, Inter Arma, etc.

New Music

As psychedelic as you want it to be.

Music Videos

Tucker Carlson unsurprisingly makes an appearance.

Record Sales

August wasn't the worst month ever, and was certainly better than July. This list, which continues to grow each month, saw an average increase...


Music that we really connect with and always spin every year is a rare thing. Usually, you’ll grow tired of a release after a...


The year 1991 was truly transitional for a world of rock and metal – the big, bright hair metal acts that dominated the mid...

It's Just Business

July was a rough month for hard rock and heavy metal on Spotify, with roughly 65% of this list seeing a drop in listeners...

Record Sales

May was not the best month for rock and metal, but it wasn't the worst. Overall, listenership only grew by 0.58% vs. 5.25% the...

Record Sales

April was another great month for rock and metal overall. As always, some bands saw some huge gains, while others saw some rather large...

RIP a Livecast

Rob made the mistake of celebrating 4/20 on the air, and comedy ensues. We kick things off talking about the 4/20 holiday and its...

Record Sales

March was another snazzy month for rock and metal overall. As always, some bands saw some huge gains, while others saw some rather large...