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Injection Reflection

It's been a pretty massive week for metal news, with the trial of Randy Blythe, bands calling out other bands, members jumping ship, bands...

Music Videos

Adrenaline Mob has debuted a new music video for "Indifferent". The band features vocalist Russell Allen of Symphony X, guitarist Mike Orlando, drummer Mike...

Tour Dates

If you've never seen Fuck The Facts live, you have done yourself a great disservice! They completely annihilate their instruments like gods every time...

Tour Dates

I mentioned this in my party notes yesterday, but today it's official. The Decibel Magazine Tour is happening this summer, kicking off in Houston,...

Tour Dates

This is a ridiculous package. A few weeks ago, the Deftones announced another run across North America, but did not announce any openers. Today,...

Upcoming Releases

It hasn't even been two years since The Black Dahlia Murder released their excellent album Ritual but as we speak, the band is hard...

Tour Dates

…and here is tour announcement #3. Deftones are heading back out on the road next March. The band announced new routing today. Tickets go...

Latest News

Machine Head's recently concluded tour with Dethklok will be memorable to Robb Flynn for many reasons, but some of which are not the most...

Tour Dates

A few weeks back we posted a leaked Minneapolis date for Meshuggah's return US tour and we couldn't have been more excited at the...

Tour Dates

Turisas are coming back to the states, and they're bringing Firewind and Stolen Babies with them. Stolen Babies seems like a weird choice for...

Bummer Alert

Some bummer news for people planning to attend the upcoming Dethklok, Machine Head, All That Remains, Black Dahlia Murder shows. Machine Head frontman Robb...

Injection Reflection

The week has come to an end here at Metal Injection and it's time to recap the top pages of the week. We decided...

Tour Dates

The rumors are true! Dethklok is hitting the road in November and they're taking out some friends. As we speculated last week, the band...

Tour Dates

We knew it would be so! A few weeks back, the first date of Lamb of God's rescheduled tour surfaced and it showed the...

Tour Dates

The Sword have been doing throwback metal since before it was cool again, and now they seem to be taking a slew of bands...

Tour Dates

Holy shit, is this going to be a thrashin' good time. Skeletonwitch are total road warriors, as evidenced by their just-announced Fall 2012 headlining...


The all-star Death tribute tour, Death To All kicked off this past weekend in San Francisco, and it's lookin' pretty good so far. To...

Fuck Yes!

Wowowowowowow! In a late Friday awesome news break, both Lambgoat and ThePRP are reporting that Lamb of God have cemented their summer touring plans...

Tour Dates

In all my years of writing about music (damn, it's almost a decade now..) never have I come across a tour routing as confusing...

Upcoming Releases

Relapse Records has been on a mission to release as much Death material as humanly possible, and we absolutely love it! Anything that the legendary Chuck Schuldiner...

Latest News

Before Matt Heafy was the frontman of a world-renowned band like Trivium, he was in a bunch of shitty bands just like the rest...

Tour Dates

Two bands with dudes from much more popular bands are teaming up together for the unofficial Side Project tour. I made that name up,...


Guitar World has been slowly leaking out footage from their highly anticipated roast that went down in January. We've already seen videos from Steel...