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Search results for "Aggressive"


It’s always been my motto that “I’ll go wherever the music takes me,” and since no place on earth is any further than a...


I’ve seen Carnifex live a couple of times, first at Summer Slaughter in 2010, and again this past spring at New England Metal and...

Shocking Revelations

There is some drama in the Emmure camp this week. Here is the short version: Drummer Mike Kaabe was posting instructional videos on the...


Crack the Skye left me with some rather bittersweet and curious feelings towards the future and direction of Mastodon, one of the genre’s most...

Show Recap

Metal Injection sent intrepid writer/photographer  Aline Miladinovich to the 2nd annual Bloodstock UK fest. The lineup featured the likes of Motorhead, Morbid Angel, Immortal, WASP,...

Upcoming Releases

You didn't think they were just going to sit back and forget about death metal did you? Cannibal Corpse have announced they are entering...


I've always thought of Krallice's music as a duel, envisioning the guitars feinting, parrying and maneuvering in abstract aural dimensions at ludicrous speed. About...


So I was at work today, sifting through my usual round of news sites, when I saw this very interesting article in The Atlantic....


On The Parallax: Hypersleep Dialogues, Between the Buried and Me unleashes a flurry of genre-blending forms and influences to craft an enjoyable, entertaining listen....


If you want the best that metalcore has to offer, do yourself a favor and stick with the bands that broke the scene in...


The rules were made pretty clear this time around: no inquiries about his family, prison or politics, as Varg Vikernes did his best to...

Upcoming Releases

Click Here To Watch The Video When we interviewed members of Candira last year, they seemed to leave the door open to the possibility...

Underground Pitch

by James Zalucky Sometimes it's hard to separate awesome underground bands from crappy ones. Contributor James Zalucky is willing to take one for the...

Best of 2010

by: "Grim" Kim Kelly Hello again, Metal Injection! It’s been awhile (my bad) but I’ve returned to ruin everyone’s day with yet another year-end...

Best of 2010

As the year is comes to a close, we will be taking you through the Best of 2010. Over the next couple of days,...


by James Zalucky When it comes to creativity, few bands can match the power and brilliance of  AGALLOCH. Over the course of their career...

Upcoming Releases

All Shall Perish are writing a new album! So says guitarist Ben Orum who has released the following statement: After two very successful tours...


by: Sean Gresens I'm going to try something different with this one. Instead of just a general blanket statement about the band as a...

Upcoming Releases

This is certainly interesting. Two of the founding members of Killswitch Engage, guitarist/drummer/producer Adam Dutkiewicz and Jesse Leach have formed a new project called...

Tour Dates

Man is this summer getting crowded with touring festivals. Only two days after Ozzfest announced it's lineup, we see a brand new tour from...


By Ben Apatoff According to founding guitarist BEN WEINMAN, the title of THE DILLINGER ESCAPE PLAN's new album means "being in a situation where...

Back in the Day

By: Navjot Kaur Sobti Respiring in the capillaries of all we hail as classic and timeless in thrash is METALLICA'S Master of Puppets. The...


A few weeks ago, during an email exchange, my good bud Axl Rosenberg of MetalSucks linked me to SON OF AURELIUS's MySpace page. I...