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Search results for "Aggressive"


A few weeks ago, during an email exchange, my good bud Axl Rosenberg of MetalSucks linked me to SON OF AURELIUS's MySpace page. I...

Breakups & Shakeups

Sad news from the world of deathcore today. OCEANO has parted ways with guitarist Andrew Mikhail. Rather than do something interesting like talk shit...

Bummer Alert

ShareBummer Alert! Tom Araya needs back surgery! Like really needs it. This means that the sickest tour of the new decade, the American Carnage...


Metal crowds don't get much rowdier than they do for a MUNICIPAL WASTE headlining gig. I suppose songs like "The Art of Partying", "Thrash?...

Best of 2009

by Ryan Buege Some people might have qualms with the amount of hardcore and punk that shows up in my list – I am...


By Ben Apatoff Like OZZY before them, RAMMSTEIN confirmed the lunacy of their would-be censors by being far too goofy for anyone who actually...

Tour Dates

Time to put on your high tops and whip out those boogie boards, the party animals in MUNICIPAL WASTE are heading back on the...

Monday Wake Up Call

While we were on vacation in London, a fine gentleman named Ben let us shack up in his apartment. Ben played his current band...


JOB FOR A COWBOY may be death metal's answer to MATISYAHU. Both victims and beneficiaries of an overwhelming amount of hype, JFAC have roped...

Upcoming Releases

A few weeks ago, we prematurely reported that SLAYER's upcoming CD would come out early this month. While the band is still on track...

Juggalo Times

So much new music, so little time. Here is a roundup of some music that has made it's way online in the last few...


Two years after releasing the catchiest sludge metal album in history, BIG BUSINESS are back, this time with a guitarist. For whatever distinction they've...

Latest News

Returning to Worcester's Palladium, New England Metal and Hardcore fest will once again melt your ear drums to waxy lava lamps this April 16...

Tour Dates

Late last week, the organizers of the NEW ENGLAND METAL & HARDCORE FESTIVAL announced the finalized lineup. In an effort to get the word...

Metal Up Your Ass

Why is it only Tuesday? This has already been a long week. Well, at least there are plenty distractions on the interwebs to prevent...

Latest News

Move over, Nile; there's a new bunch of Egypt-lovin' death metal musicians in town. New York City-based, Egyptian-born artist Nader Sadek will be presenting...

Back in the Day

For every band that carries on past their prime years to the point of self-parody, there's a barely noticeable, ultra-rare breed who split up...

Go See This Fucking Band

In what will stand as one of the year's best tour packages, SOILWORK, DARKANE, WARBRINGER and SWALLOW THE SUN invaded the Highline Ballroom for...

Latest News

Every year the New England Metal and Hardcore Festival is a great showcase of all the awesome bands on the touring circut in the...

Upcoming Releases

One of next year's most anticipated releases will be the new LAMB OF GOD record set to come out next February. It's no secret...

Free Swag

Oh my Buddha! This has got to be the biggest giveaway in Metal Injection history. In celebration of the release of MUDVAYNE's new CD,...

Upcoming Releases

GOD FOBID's new record, Earthsblood doesn't come out until February, but we got our hands on some exclusive audio samples from the record. Check...

Latest News

Last night, a pack of mainly dudes (aged around 20s-40s) crowded outside of Webster Hall, a Manhattan dance club/hipster magnet best known for ejecting...