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br00tal Comedy

On the most recent edition of the RIP a Livecast, we spent a good portion of the show discussing Vince Neil literally phoning it in...

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"That’s where the new generation comes from, is the underground, you know?"

Music Videos

From their coming double album Of Truth And Sacrifice.

Music Videos

Sepultura released their killer new album Quadra today, which if you haven't heard it then you need to. Or at least check out the band's...


Also featuring members of Slipknot, Clutch, Sunn O))), Eyehategod, and way more.

Celebrity Metalheads

Hip hop stars love the Municipal Waste logo.

Upcoming Releases

"A tribute to the old gods, like Morbid Angel, Suffocation, Deicide."

Music Videos

August Burns Red promised a new album this year, and now they're delivering. The band just released new song (and awesome animated music video)...

Music Videos

Muldrotha, the band featuring ex-Fallujah vocalist Alex Hoffman, Fallujah drummer Andrew Baird, The Zenith Passage guitarist Rob Maramonte and Decrepit Birth bassist Sean Martinez, released their...