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Upcoming Releases

A glance at this weeks release schedule will immediately reveal two things; a lack of major releases, and an absurd amount of releases you've...


Coined by producer/Hate Eternal frontman Erik Rutan, Alex Webster is the Steve Harris of death metal. Webster, one of the two remaining original members...

Hand Ov Doom

Ben Danger and Robben the Grave are splitting sides and splitting heads in the studio, laughing with infernal madness! Tune in as they celebrate...


I don't understand how System Of A Down haven't played a New York date yet since their big reunion. I'm dying to see them again....

Latest News

Lots of news came out of a recent interview Slipknot Joey Joridson gave to Australia's News.com.au recently, most notably about new Slipknot music. While...

Bummer Alert

Well this sucks. Last week, Max Cavelera's wife noticed the Soulfly frontman's face "looked weird." Upon looking into a mirror, Max realized he couldn't...


Charging up their batteries for an imminent European tour, Matthew Skarajew and Paul Mazziotta of diSEMBOWELMENT, er… d.USK, er… Inverloch take a brief respite...

RIP a Livecast

We have made it to 150 episodes! On this landmark episode, we begin by talking about centaur porn. Rob then talks about his experience...

Upcoming Releases

Fans of obscure Australian metal, rejoice! Relapse Records has recently signed, or rather, re-signed (as you'll see why in a while) Melbourne, Australia’s death/doom...

Upcoming Releases

"WHAT?! So the secret identity of Portal was Cynic all along?" Nah, it just so happens that the very American progressive rock band, Cynic,...


OMG YOU GAIZ! Earlier this week, Machine Head guitarist Phil Demmel announced he is engaged to Bleeding Through keyboardist, and crush of 14 year...

Best of 2011

There are dozens of factors that go into creating a "great" record, and I try to consider them all while listening to music of...

Tour Dates

Last week, we were hopeful that the rumors of Lamb of God touring with The Acacia Strain were true, and turns out they are,...

Latest News

A few days ago, we reported that the studio where Gojira is recording their new album pretty much gave away that the band had signed...

Tour Dates

Have you guys heard of this Soundwave Festival in Australia happening next February? It's a touring festival, hitting big cities like Sydney, Perth, Melbourne,...

Shocking Revelations

Those whacky Australians. University of Melbourne researcher Dr. Katrina McFerran recently conducted a study of teens conducting interviews with 50 teens between 13 and...

Latest News

This is great news for Periphery and guitarist Mark Holcomb. Holcomb, who also plays guitar for Haunted Shores, is now officially the band's third...

Latest News

Coal Chamber was a band that everybody knew about back in the day, seemingly because they toured incessantly. They were a textbook nu-metal band....


On February 5th, 1994, Damien Echols, Jesse Misskelley and Jason Baldwin were convicted of the murders of three young children in the "Robin Hood...

Fuck Yes!

Normally, I don't like to throw around the term "supergroup" because I feel the term has been basterdized anytime any group of people from...

Upcoming Releases

Periphery have been pretty busy as of late. They just wrapped up a tour of Australia, have a huge North American headlining tour coming...

Upcoming Releases

We've been very patient with Gojira. They've promised us a new EP and a full length album this year. They've teased us with an...

Tour Dates

Seminal industrial band Godflesh have only played a handful of shows since reuniting in 2009, none of them in America. But all that changes...