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Search results for "Double"


Dynamic deathcore-styled metal that dives into clean interludes and seriously pissed off double action.

The Obituarist

"I can only read about Metallica, Meshuggah, BabyMetal and Devin Townsend so much before I wonder if metal publications are even on the same...

Tour Dates

This is going to be massive!

Gear Gods

Paschalis Theotokis has a penchant for making absurd playthrough videos and he's right on time with this new one focusing on Metallica's Hardwired…To Self Destruct....


Metallica are dropping their tenth studio album, Hardwired… to Self-Destruct, today! As you might have noticed, the band went above and beyond and made...


This could've been on either Sacrament or Wrath, easily.

Metal Crimes

Back in 2014, we all had a good laugh at the objectively bad music from Solitary Son, calling one of his tracks the best/worst video...

Dank Slams

N'Yawk death metal (say it in your best borough-specific accent for full effect – going full-nasal for Queens). Most of you reading this were likely doing...


There are seven songs that haven't been released.


A fan who attended one of the VIP meet and greets filed a report.

Latest News

At least it's not like, next week or something.


The news of Henry Rollins being a Calvin Klein model surfaced back in July. It seems as though a billboard of Rollins' ad just...


Brain Tentacles obviously has connections to the jazz world, though they’re tempered with spines of noise rock, ambient, sludge, doom, progressive weirdness and space...

Upcoming Releases

It's time for new Mastodon. Will we see a new Mastodon album in 2017?


When it comes to music, metal is our lifeblood. It surrounds us and penetrates us; it binds our noisy little galaxy together. Of course,...


I guess it's still in the oven.