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"We’re always trying to be where we want to be, not where other things around us are. . . . It’s better to keep...

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"I don't think it's going to be back to normal, whatever that is for at least four years."


Belarusian metal bands are speaking out about the ongoing unrest in the nation.

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Ol' Drake is the band's new vocalist.


"Nobody has ever called me and said, 'By the way, you're not the current drummer'"

It's Just Business

Today I learned the four original members of Black Sabbath don't all own the name.

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According to their old-school website, anyway.


Remember, back in May, how we all had a laugh when Trump visited a factory and they were blaring "Live and Let Die" throughout...


Ice-T also expresses his disbelief that people still don't think COVID-19 is as serious as it is.


Dee Snider, your most trusted source of AC/DC gossip.


In this here normal country called the United States of America, Donald Trump's social media director Dan Scavino tweeted out a campaign video for...

Bummer Alert

Today, July 17, 2020, there was an all-time daily high of 70,254 new coronavirus cases reported. That's new cases reported in a single day....


He feels Kyuss Lives! wasn't the ressurection the band deserved.


"I can't see why we don't spend the money on getting a committee in every city to weed out the bad guys."