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Latest News

Could you imagine Slipknot without Corey Taylor?

Music Videos

Behemoth will soon hit the road with Slipknot, Volbeat, and Gojira for the Knotfest Roadshow Tour, but before that they've decided to creep everyone...


The prolific one-man doomed black metal project returns this September. Listen to an exclusive stream of the 18-minute "Cairn to God" and read an...

br00tal Comedy

Samus “66Samus” Paulicelli has outdone himself again. He recorded Meshuggah's memable track "Bleed" in 11 different drum styles – everyone from Mike Portnoy, to...

Tech-Death Tuesday

Hey there, tech fiends. It's that time of the week again. Before we dive into today's focus, here's the usual weekly reminder that if...


The title of Pelican's newest effort Nighttime Stories tricks the mind into expecting something soft and ethereal; something akin to a bedtime story told...

New Music

The Slipknot heaviness is back and it's here to stay


The Great War is solid as a tank and marks a major victory for Sabaton; 20 years of consistent, hard-hitting, epic metal music. these Swedish...

Upcoming Releases

Slipknot is releasing a new song on Monday. How do I know this? Well, because they just released a seventeen second teaser. If you...

It's Just Business

Metallica started the practice after seeing how much scalpers were profiting off them.

Tour Dates

Slipknot are spending a ton of time on the road and that's not about to stop next year. The band just announced the cities...

Latest News

"Our current priority is to communicate directly with our artists and their representatives."

Weekly Injection

This week's new heavy metal releases include some death metal, some nasty death metal, perhaos the dumbest blurb I've ever written, and more! To...

Live Footage

Baroness is touring the everloving hell out of their new album Gold & Grey at some pretty decent-sized venues. The Gutter in Brooklyn is...