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Tour Dates

If one festival definitely has their shit together, its Wacken Open Air. Every year, the festival sells out basically a year in advance and...

Upcoming Releases

Behemoth are out supporting Slipknot on the Knotfest Roadshow currently, which means the bands are going to be doing a good amount of press....

Back in the Day

Between 1982 and 1986, IRON MAIDEN would release five albums concluding with the ambitious 193-date World Slavery Tour. The tour so enervated vocalist Bruce...

Record Sales

Tool fans were waiting for the band to come to streaming services for a very long time. Today, they finally got their wish, as...

Weekly Injection

This week's new heavy metal releases include not judging a 69 by its 69-ness, lots of rad instrumentals, unnecessary (and frankly stupid) speculation, and...

New Music

Seriously, we need more Korn like this.


Slipknot kicked off their Knotfest Roadshow earlier this week. Seeing as though we are in the throngs of summer, and they are playing amphitheaters,...


Welcome to Throwback Thursday! This is the place where we get to indulge in nostalgia and wax poetic about excellent metal of years past....

Shocking Revelations

I'm shocked!

Undergound Buzz

As part of our monthly underground round up, I'm here to bring you all the best from smaller bands we featured on the site...

br00tal Comedy

Jim Jefferies is a hilarious comedian who has been dipping his toe in poltiical waters for quite a while. On a recent episode of...