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"Had that acid trip not been a bad trip, I might still be getting wasted today."

New Music

Heart of Jordan takes their metalcore influences and layers on irresistibly catchy choruses to make for one of the most promising unsigned releases of...


While to some the djent scene feels still like a blooming subgenre, there have been many developments and offshoots born from the musical style's...


Vector may disappoint slightly in spots but it’s nonetheless a majorly triumphant release.


"But would you see one of us or two of us or three of us? That's possible."


“Fuck this shit, let’s just put it away for a while and come back to it when people wake the fuck up.”

Metal Science

The study surveyed over 2,200 musicians and determined that they're up to three times more likely to experience depression compared to a non-musician.

Shocking Revelations

A Perfect Circle caused a stir, and got some publicity, earlier in the year for their no cellphones policy, not allowing any photos or...

Upcoming Releases

"He does a verse, I do a verse, we sing the chorus together, and it's a real heavy shit-kicker."

Shocking Revelations

Not one, but THREE staph infections for the Prince of Darkness.

Celebrity Metalheads

Lindsay has great taste in metal, or at least her stylist does.

Full Album Stream

It's Monday and Mondays suck, so let's grind it out with a full stream of Languish's Unworthy.


As a fan of Nine Inch Nails since the early 90’s, it’s been an amazing experience to watch the art of Trent Reznor grow...


"The album’s cover art, which depicted Satan inhaling smoke from a bong with black towers of an ancient city behind him, beckoned the interest...

New Music

O.G. New York hardcore, comin' atcha.