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Canadian Tech-Death Metallers BENEATH THE MASSACRE have confirmed their first appearances in the United States later this spring alongside ARSIS and ION DISSONANCE. The...


Allow me to state my taxonomic understanding of the no-woman's land between metal and hardcore. When a hardcore band exhibits metallic tendencies, they're, natch,...


For some reason, the YouTube test of guitar proficiency these days is how well one can play Necrophagist songs. Well, The Faceless would wipe...


When it comes to '80s American thrash, the San Francisco Bay Area and New York are the first places that come to mind. However,...


The first time time I heard Into Eternity, they opened for Hate Eternal on a bill heavy with growl-and-gurgle death metal bands. Imagine my...

Tour Dates

This is a pretty serious festival. I didn't hear about it until this morning, which is probably because I may have confused it with...

Show Recap

(This is part 1 of my experience at Gigantour. Part 2 coming soon.) I arrive at the Nassau Coliseum for Gigantour with my friend,...

Ask Me...I'm Right

Dear Greg, >Yo man. I've got some problems with the band that I'm currently in. Yes >problemS plural. For one, our guitarist SUCKS ASS!...


When I first listened to this album, I didn't like it. What the hell was wrong with me? I guess it's because I love...