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Andy Williams injured himself wrestling.

Upcoming Releases

The band also wished their fans a happy Thanksgiving.

New Music

They don't derive too far from the original, but why mess with a classic?


Unearth drop a solid set of future live favorites...


Just when you think they’ve gone as far as they can go, Sigh deliver an album that defies all expectations.

RIP a Livecast

It's the eve of Thanksgiving eve and on this episode we have the vocalist of Anal Trump, Rob Trump. Rob talks about the project's...

It's Just Business

A huge deal was just signed for all artists under Universal Music Group.

New Music

KING 810 Are Back And Heavier Than Ever!

Music Videos

Heafy also gave Howard Jones a guitar as a "thank you."


When I saw the announcement for a Silent Planet and Stray from the Path co-headlining tour, I was firstly fascinated by the stylistic diversity,...

Black Friday

The Québécois group is releasing their second album later this month. Listen to a new track from the album and read an in-depth interview...

Latest News

At first listen, Azusa might seem a bit of an anomaly, but after diving deeper into the weird, discordant, beautiful and harmonious sounds of...


"Resolution has really great songs on it. My problem is that it’s about four songs too long."


"I’m really happy we’re not there and I wound never want to be there."

Weekly Injection

This edition includes some career spanning live albums, new chapters in storied careers, the madness of Sigh, and more! To the metals...

Earnings & Attendance

Do they just have a money printing press at HQ at this point?

Fuck Yes!

Attention all you Astro Zombies out there. Thanks to the good people over at Relentless Assault (run by an artist calling himself Seth Relentless in...

It's Just Business

This is how a band like Threatin inflated their numbers.