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Well, it was fun while it lasted, but it looks like this whole beef between DILLINGER ESCAPE PLAN and DISTURBED may be coming to...

METAL Injection

Continuing our coverage from the New England Metal and Hardcore Festival last month, we present the above interview with one of the nicest guys...

Quick Bits

> HATEBREED have tapped the legendary Vinnie Paul to produce, document, and record Hatebreed LIVE! during their Dallas, TX show at the Palladium Ballroom...

tr00 and False

It’s hard to be tr00. Every week, the editors of MetalSucks.net , Axl Rosenberg and Vince Neilstein, will dissect the week’s stories and decide...

Ask Me...I'm Right

Hello again to all those who need advice. I've been gone for awhile but I'm back to irritate you once more with "Ask Me...

Quick Bits

A co-worker of mine sent around a link to this awesome Flickr page where a dude "refaced" a bunch of American dollars. Looks good...

Back in the Day

Back in 1994, I apparently listened to more European metal than anything else (judging by my posts thus far). For good reason too, it...

tr00 and False

 It’s hard to be tr00. In this new Metal Injection feature, every week, the editors of MetalSucks.net, Axl Rosenberg and Vince Neilstein, will dissect...

Latest News

> An e-card for STRAPPING YOUNG LAD side project ZIMMERS HOLE has hit the intarwebs. Released in support of When You Were Shouting At...


Welcome back, Tomas Haake. It was quite impressive how natural (natural for extreme metal, anyway) the programmed drums sounded on 2005's Catch Thirtythree, but...


Aeon's Rise to Dominate (reviewed here) did just that as one of last year's best death metal records.  Perhaps that's not saying much; 2007...

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Before Amy Winehouse, there was Van Halen.  Tabloids couldn't cook up a saga more banal yet fascinating: Eddie's on the wagon; Eddie's off the...

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Earache has a habit of reheating and re-serving old platters, and iCrusher Complete is no exception.  It collects two DVD samplers, iCrusher 1 and...

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If there's one thing I hate at shows, its security guard dudes who feed their ego and low self-esteems by being dicks at metal...

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Whether you're a NYC resident or not, chances are you may be aware of several closings through out the NY Rock and Metal scene...


It's wakey, wakey time, kids. For the naysayers who think Erik Rutan was crazy to quit Morbid Angel – look at what they've done...


Ingredients for a Fortress cocktail: 1 part J.R.R. Tolkien 1 part Molson Canadian 2 parts marijuana 1 part Iron Maiden 1 part Dream Theater...


Hungary is not Norway or France, but it has a thriving black metal scene of its own.  Recent releases by Vorkuta and Aetherius Obscuritas (review...


Through the Eyes of the Dead are basically a new band now – and not just because only one original member remains, guitarist Justin...


Fight - Christmas Ride King Diamond - No Presents For Christmas Dokken - Santa Claus Is Coming To Town Type O Negative - Red...


So much black metal wants to be taken seriously; Deathspell Omega actually deserves such scrutiny.  At first, this secretive French outfit seems pretentious.  Long...

Latest News

As the three year anniversary of Dimebag Darrell's death approaches, his long time girlfriend Rita was recently interviewed by metal riot grrrl mag, Metal...

tr00 and False

It’s hard to be tr00. In this new Metal Injection feature, every week, the editors of MetalSucks.net, Axl Rosenberg and Vince Neilstein, will dissect...