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I'm thinking that this will be my last Weekly Injection for the year. This time of year is nothing but stuff being put out...

Live Footage

Nine Inch Nails is taking an interesting approach to their upcoming live DVD, Tension 2013, featuring a pro-shot concert film from the Staples Center...


We've been following the shocking Tim Lambesis trial since its inception in the spring when Lambesis was caught (allegedly) attempting to hire a hitman to...

Weekly Injection

This is Thanksgiving week. The time for families to sit around a table and try to avoid obvious awkward topics. What is the best...

It's Just Business

Metallica can't seem to catch a break with their 3D movie experiment, Through The Never. The movie bombed in the U.S. box office and there was...


Twelve Foot Ninja are wrapping up their first US tour with Periphery, Born of Osiris and Dead Letter Circus, and we asked guitarist Stevic...

Tour Dates

They're not done yet! Despite Geezer Butler hinting that the band's summer tour might be their last, the band announced 12 new North American...

Live Footage

We've covered Babymetal before, the Japanese girl pop-metal band, and while I initially did not approve of this, honestly, this looks like a fun...

Breakups & Shakeups

It hasn't been a banner year for Nachtmystium founder Blake Judd. After being arrested for theft, he took a hard look at his life...

Weekly Injection

I feel like Andy Rooney or Peter Griffin every time I write one of these intros. I sometimes want so bad to just start...

Live Footage

Here's a clip from the excellent new Decibel 100th Issue show live DVD that is out now. There are only 1000 copies of the...

Live Footage

‘Kingdom’ from the Devin Townsend's ‘Retinal Circus’ DVD out now

Weekly Injection

I know that this video is old as fuck, but it was recently reintroduced into my life and I can't stop showing it to...

Breakups & Shakeups

News regarding The Ocean recently has been pretty positive, overall: kickass tour DVD stuff, a new EP in 2014… and now, some not so positive news:...

Weekly Injection

Every blue moon, we in the metal community get hit with a fuckton of great releases. It's amazing, but sadly looks like this will...

Upcoming Releases

Mastodon's management must assume you really miss the dudes. So, while they're holed up in a studio working on new material, they figured why...

Live Footage

Live footage of Dream Theater performing “Pull Me Under” from their Live At Luna Park 2-DVD release, out Nov. 5th on Eagle Rock Entertainment.


About one year after the tragic death of frontman Mitch Lucker, Suicide Silence have decided to move forward with a new vocalist, a close...


I went out and got my hipster on Sunday at the Treasure Island Festival. I have not shame in this. However, in the process...

Music Videos

Alestorm cover the Villiage People uhh "classic" and release this music video documenting their touring journey, from their upcoming live DVD, "Live at the...

Music Videos

A live music video of the track "Loner" off Black Sabbath's latest album, 13. Video footage off the band's upcoming live DVD, Gathered In Their Masses which...

Weekly Injection

Now I usually don't use this space for any sort of promotion, because why would I? No one reads this part. Fuck it though....

Latest News

Well, it's been three weeks, and Metallica: Through The Never has only pulled in three million dollars on an 18 million dollar budget. I...