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Injection Reflection

I am absolutely stunned it's already Memorial Day weekend. Summer is officially kicking off here in the States. Things will be a little slow...

Upcoming Releases

While this is a touching tribute to one of the greatest releases of all time, is it really necessary?


If you’re waiting for a return to the sound that helped shape the genre as we know it today-- you might want to get...


Chris Jericho returns to the Squared Circle Pit and we have a lot to catch up on. First, we reminiss about the first Chris...

Metal Merch

If you have Ghost statues, you have everything.

New Music

It's a track that is purely Fistula: adversarial, pissed and ugly. It's everything you need to get you through this Friday.

Song Premiere

Be sure to check the band out at Psycho Smokeout this coming weekend.

New Music

Nails have released a new 7", featuring the lead single "I Don't Want To Know You," and its b-side, "Endless Resistance" which features a...

Latest News

Good guys Metallica strike again.

Upcoming Releases

Wayne Static's vocals will be featured on half the tracks.


Hey there tech fiends, it's that time of the week again. Before we dive into today's focus, here's the usual weekly reminder that if...

The Obituarist

Hello mutants!  Trevor from The Black Dahlia Murder here taking a well-needed break from slaving over lyrics for the impending 9th TBDM album to...

Guest Column

Introducing BRUTAL GLASS, the first metal music-inspired glass line for metalheads by metalheads. Combining heavy metal and 420 Culture, Brutal Glass brings something new...

Metal Merch

I guess Pantera really isn't selling it, are they?