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Search results for "compilation"


Dew-Scented have been around for twenty years? Damn. Guess it's time for you to hear what's coming up for their anthology album!


At one point Killing Joke were one of the most bulletproof post-punk bands around. Releasing their first single in 1978, they were right there with Wire and Gang of...


Canadian name-your-price record label Moshpit Tragedy just announced a new retrospective compilation from England's own elder statesmen of crust punk, Doom. The compilation is called 25...

Upcoming Releases

When I first started playing bass in high school, my friend Thomas and I made it a point, as all metal youngsters do, to...

Latest News

Hey look, The Devil's Blood is back with III: Tabula Rasa, or Death And The Seven Pillars! Not really, but kind of!

Sick Art

Chthonic take artwork for their new album Bú-Tik to a whole new level of cool. Also, that's a real photograph.


If you were to make a list of the most influential U.K. hardcore/punk and metal bands, you could not avoid putting Heresy on the...


Relapse Records just announced that Pig Destroyer have started offering a new EP, titled Mass & Volume, for sale on the band's Bandcamp page....

Metal Merch

The people who work behind the scenes in the metal world were devastated this week at the loss of Pat Egan, Relapse’s director of sales for the...

Metal Injection Exclusives

On Oct 20, 2010, Nick Didkovsky and Chuck O'Meara bought a $100 electric guitar from Elderly Instruments. They were so charmed by it that...

Upcoming Releases

This is sort of unreal. Legendary guitarists Tony Iommi (he of Black Sabbath) and Brian May (he of Queen) have been quietly collaborating on...


Well the last two days have been kind of rough for the site. Due to some server upgrades by our host, our site was...

Injection Reflection

It's been a pretty massive week for metal news, with the trial of Randy Blythe, bands calling out other bands, members jumping ship, bands...

It's Just Business

Earache is proving they're all about modern times. They recently launched a $160 USB stick that had their entire discography on it and now...

Best of 2012

It's been a great year for silly metal videos. Whether it's contestants on pop reality shows, kids being more metal than you, or animals...


In today's A/V Roundup, we have a tease of new music from Scale The Summit, a cool new video from Periphery, a free download...


If you're in the mood to hear some crusty hardcore punk bands cover metal songs from the likes of Sepultura, Slayer and Hatebreed, you're...


If Slipknot has been off your radar in the past few months, it’s imperative to know that this is not exactly a new album...

Injection Reflection

The weekend is finally here, which means it's time to party! Of course, if you haven't had a chance to hit up the website...


It's hump day and we have a ton of new music to report on. We got full album streams from Saint Vitus and Dave...

Bummer Alert

Fuck! First we lost Slavia vocalist Jonas Christiansen to cancer last November, and now reports are out, which have been  confirmed by Season of Mist,...


Dopesmoker was never gonna fly; not as an album title, not on a major label. It was actually the least of the band's worries....

Upcoming Releases

Relapse Records has been on a mission to release as much Death material as humanly possible, and we absolutely love it! Anything that the legendary Chuck Schuldiner...