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Search results for "yet"

Show Recap

In a desolate, windswept region of north-west Wales lies a sheep strewn sea-side town named Prestatyn. Within its bowels is a dinky holiday village...

A Female Perspective

If there is ever a band that can turn a man into a jelly of emotions it's Evergrey. Hold on, don't stop reading just...

Breakups & Shakeups

Looks like Skeletonwitch's (now former) drummer Derrick "Mullet Chad" Nau is over touring. The band announced he will be leaving the band to pursue...


The rules were made pretty clear this time around: no inquiries about his family, prison or politics, as Varg Vikernes did his best to...

Latest News

by James Zalucky From the streets of one of Metal's most legendary cities, a young band has begun to perk-up the ears of the...

Sick Art

When we last caught up with Arch Enemy, they were in the final weeks of pre-production, but it looks like the band is shifted...

Upcoming Releases

Click Here To Watch The Video When we interviewed members of Candira last year, they seemed to leave the door open to the possibility...

Black Metal History

Of all the sub-genres of metal, I feel that black metal is the one that takes itself the most seriously. Then again, when your...

Fuck Yes!

Stop what you are doing. Turn off any sounds your computer may be making. Press Play below. Is your mind blown yet? If so,...

Black Metal History

by  Jeremy Ülrey The headlines of the nation's newspapers scream with the revelations of a sinister plot to slaughter progressive politicians and religious leaders in...

Latest News

Back in August, we showed you a teaser that former Animosity/Reflux bassist Evan Brewer posted that was friggen awesome. Now, he's one upped himself...

Bummer Alert

One of the stories I wasn't able to post about yesterday due to traveling is the loss of Extreme Noise Terror frontman, Phil Vane....

Tour Dates

Some of you guys will be excited to learn that two bands that rack up a lot of searches on this site, Avenged Sevenfold...

Tour Dates

The Big 4 of thrash metal aren't done yet. Metallica, Slayer, Megadeth and Anthrax recently announced that the package will be doing one and...

Black Metal History

By Graham "Gruhamed" Hartmann In the spirit of Black Metal History Month, in this year of our Lord 2011, it's only right that we...

A Female Perspective

by: Noa Avior Since the early days of civilization, groups of people have chosen to gather for a common cause, rallied for reform and...


I wrote of my love for Canadian tech instru-metal five-piece a few years ago, and it seemed the band dropped off the face of...

Latest News

We got really excited when we heard Decapitated were entering the studio a few months ago, and now they are in there making new...


Get over the Monday blues by listening to all this new metal that came about today. Valen-what day? I thought so… Amon Amarth have...

Latest News

Unless you have a girlfriend who is in love with Lady Gaga, then you may have missed the Grammys last night. Relax, you missed...

Black Metal History

by James Zalucky Faded am I, behind a wall of consciousness Still feeling a different world Surrounding me Chilling voices fill my head- I...

Underground Pitch

by James Zalucky Sometimes it's hard to separate awesome underground bands from crappy ones. Contributor James Zalucky is willing to take one for the...

Upcoming Releases

by: Noa Avior This year will be a busy one for my homeboys from Germany, SuidAkrA. They recently completed their forthcoming album, The Book...