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Search results for "THUNDER"

Best of 2018

This article will mark the fourth time I've created a "Top 20 Albums of the Year" piece and after glossing over my previous lists...

The Monday Grind

It's Monday and Mondays suck, so let's grind it out with Slund's A Very Slundy Christmas.

Best of 2018

One of Metal Injection's newest reviewers shares his favorites from the year!

Weekly Injection

This edition includes Cellos returning to Metallica, the return of a guitar legend, the return of a cult bands, and more! To the metals...


All That Remains is back—and in a big way. The Massachusetts natives are about to release their ninth studio album called Victim of the...

Full Album Stream

The Arkansas doom/sludge force finally returns with one of the best albums of 2018.


It is a solid reflection of the growth and evolution of the group over the past few years.


Aside from a few hiccups here and there in the overall flow of the record, I Loved You At Your Darkest is good. You'll...

Fuck Yes!

Australia takes AC/DC being from their country very, very seriously. In the most recent batch of Australian-based AC/DC love, the country's own government has issued 30,000...


"Those FOOLS!" -Ozzy Osbourne responding to statements made by Tony Iommi about Ozzy's inability to remember lyrics during live performances, leading to their decision...

Upcoming Releases

None of the pre-orders feature battle axes or helmets, which frankly is ridiculous.

Full Album Stream

"We have carved our pound of flesh and put it to music for all to devour. But is it is our pound of flesh;...

New Music

Get lost in the sweet jams, maaaaaan.


Within A World Forgotten is a dizzy, dark spell of violence conjured from the depths.

In The Studio

Darkthrone is currently working on the follow-up to their 2016 album Arctic Thunder. Vocalist and drummer Fenriz reveals via Instagram Darkthrone is currently working...


If you want to be technical, Fronzak already had a tiny thunderbolt tattooed on his face and has the sides of his head tattooed,...


It was a weekend of community, crowd surfing, and mass headbanging.

Weekly Injection

This edition includes lots of prog, some fuzzy weirdness, and more! To the metals...

It's Just Business

Cannibal Corpse and Between the Buried and Me make the list. Whitechapel does not.


Thou's three newest EPs flesh the various aspects that encompass their impending full-length album.

Song Premiere

There has to be something in the water in Finland. How does a country continue to churn out such great music for so many...


Ever since the release of Machines of Man's last LP, Dreamstates, my radar has been on high alert for these crazy musicians. I reviewed...