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Is this Look Outside Your Window?

Injection Reflection

Where the hell does the year go? It's been an insane roller coaster of a year and a ton happened in the world of...

Latest News

Specifically for the anniversary shows, probably permanently.

Best of 2019

2019 was a massive year for heavy metal. No, I'm not a Tool fan (not knocking them) and haven't bought into what Slipknot or...

Best of 2019

Metal Injection's review editor makes his picks for the best albums from a very great year of heavy music.

New Music

Also featuring members of Swans.

Shocking Revelations

All year, Slipknot fans have been asking themselves who the hell is Slipknot's new member, affectionately dubbed the Tortilla Man by fans. In August,...

Latest News

Billie Eilish has exploded onto the music scene in 2019. The seventeen year old pop star had some big hits this year with "Bad...

Tour Dates

Meshuggah, Korn, Incubus, Obituary, Mayhem, etc.

Upcoming Releases

Mike Williams just needs to wrap up vocals.

Metal Merch

Taking a cue out of the KISS playbook, Ozzy Osbourne has allowed his name to be branded to a new video slot machine game...

Tour Dates

Featuring members of Killing Joke and KMFDM.


We're back and super excited to welcome the Hot Topic senior buyer Joe Enriquez to the show. Joe tells the REAL story of how...

Tour Dates

Down haven't played together since 2016, but it looks like that's changing in 2020. The band have been announced for two festivals so far...

Tour Dates

This is the end of the "The End of the Road" tour, at least that's what KISS is saying. As for if these are...