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Search results for "Cannot"

Bummer Alert

They promise to return in 2019.

Bummer Alert

He is currently unconscious in the hospital.


"It seems like American authorities try to prevent European bands from going to the U.S."

The Obituarist

Hello boys and ghouls! Trevor Strnad AKA The Obituarist here at Metal Injection reporting for death metal duty! I am currently hungover in a...

Fuck Yes!

The pawn shop owner who had their gear kinda sucks, too.


12 different writers, 12 very different lists.


The band not making an official statement about their return is a bad look.

New Music

Their first new music in years sounds like quite a return to form.

Bummer Alert

"I completely frigged myself on the North American portion of the tour," he says.

Shocking Revelations

Tim Lambesis offers the first new music since being released from prison in 2016.

Weekly Injection

This edition includes a bunch of reunions, lots of doom, an album I highlighted just to piss people off, and more! To the metals...


They seemed to arrive out of nowhere in 2016—faces veiled and clad in leather jackets. The Portland quartet Uada blindsided black metal audiences with their debut...

Upcoming Releases

Featuring current and former members of Killswitch Engage, Hatebreed, Lamb Of God, Arch Enemy, Kingdom Of Sorrow, and Toxic Holocaust.

Show Recap

TesseracT, Plini, and Astronoid progged all over Berkeley.

Upcoming Releases

Dee announced his solo album will be released on July 27th via Napalm Records and it will be called For The Love of Metal.

Show Recap

This guest editorial was written by photographer Jose Pimienta I just finished recovering from the long but thrilling weekend of metal right here in...