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Bummer Alert

Metalocalypse Director Jon Schnepp Is In Critical Condition, Needs Your Help

He is currently unconscious in the hospital.

He is currently unconscious in the hospital.

Jon Schnepp has been providing entertainment for metalheads for years. He directed many episodes of the excellent Metalocalypse cartoon series, and wrote Slayer's recent Repentless comic. Comic book nerds might recognize him as the guy who did  The Death of “Superman Lives”: What Happened? based on the 90s Superman movie that never was with Tim Burton, Kevin Smith and Nicolas Cage.

Sadly, Jon is not in the best health at the moment and a crowdfunding campaign has been launched to help pay the mounting bills to fight his life-threatning illness by his partner, Holly Payne:

“Friends, Jon Schnepp is unconscious and in critical condition. I cannot tell you the details, but it is life-threatening. That’s all I can tell you right now. I have been sharing with him how much all of you are rallying for him, and showing your incredible love & support. I’ve been sitting vigilantly beside him and whispering ‘I love you Chimpnugget’ over and over again in his ear, resting my head on his huge chest. This is the most challenging experience of my life, but knowing he is so loved helps heal my fractured heart. All of your well wishes have not gone unnoticed. If you can contribute anything to his medical bills, that will help us both. Much love to all of you.”

If you have any extra cash to spare, you can do so here.
Jon's partner Holly had been tweeting updates from the hospital in recent days before he was unconscious:

[via MetalSucks]

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