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One of the biggest questions in metal right now is when is Slipknot going to put out new material. We know it will happen....

Show Recap

I'm fortunate enough to have seen some incredible moments in music history, like Meshuggah's first U.S. appearance playing a tiny venue the size of...


One thing I will always remember when I get rich is to pay my motherfucking taxes. Bassist Rex Brown, of Kill Devil Hill, owes...

Upcoming Releases

I was a really big fan of Deftones' last release, Diamond Eyes when it came out in 2010. It was Deftones proving they are...


Vince Neil opened up a strip club in Las Vegas. No, this is not a news story from 1988, this is brand new information....


God Forbid is one of the most recognized names in American metal music. There’s never much negative criticism towards them, and with good reason;...


Well it looks like the other shoe has dropped for Kyuss Lives! If dealing with a bassist who might be arraigned for 15 years...


I swear, I opened the link for the new Emmure track, "Protoman" and whilst it was loading, I was clicking around elsewhere and once...


I want to be dead with my friends. – "Underwater Bimbos from Outer Space" In the year 2012, with album #6 in the chamber,...


Usually here on Metal Injection, I'm the one conducting the interviews, asking the questions and then asking even more striking follow-ups. But today, the fine...


When the fine lads of VEXT came to us with their first single, "In The End," we jumped at the opportunity to premiere the...

Upcoming Releases

Holy crap, Devildriver are an album making machine. Since forming in 2002, the band has put out a new record every other year. It...


When "Grim" Kim Kelly introduced me to Bong a few years ago, I was smitten. First off, the name: Bong! Fuckin' great. Second off:...

Tour Dates

Holy shit, the killer tours just keep on coming. Just announced: Protest The Hero, Periphery, Jeff Loomis and The Safety Fire. Fucking fuck fuck!...

Around the Interwebs

Sometimes when you are the frontman of two touring bands, you can't always commit to everyone's schedule. Stu Block, Into Eternity's frontman, is one...


If you like your metal sludgy, chances are you are a Corrosion of Conformity fan. And who could blame you? COC rule! Today is...


Virgin Steele is a power metal band based in Long Island, who have been around for-ev-er (formed in 1981). They just released the above...


I love the “Sunlight Sound” as much as the next guy, but it’s been abused of late, invoked in hybrid procedures and put to...


What better way to end the work-week than with a brand new track from Aussie death metal masters Psycroptic. You can hear the track...


Henry Rollins is quite an opinionated fellow. When he's not out MCings reunion tour announcements, or telling you why pop punk sucks, he spews...

Upcoming Releases

When ISIS officially announced their permeant hiatus, I was pretty bummed. During the middle part of the last decade, they were easily my favorite...


If Life's Blood were an unearthed gem from the 80's its value as a lost classic would be unassailable.  The vast majority of modern, retro-based...

Upcoming Releases

'Tis the season to record new music. As the weather gets colder, bands are taking a break from the road, which means bands have...