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So maybe by the middle of the year we'll have it?

Music Videos

It's like Mysticum knew we're celebrating Black Metal History Month, so they decided to release this crushing new music video. Their new album Planet...


This EP is a brief enjoyable showcase of another side of a great musician. If East of the Wall fans have slept on Opul,...


Hello, 2007? Yeah. Welcome back.

br00tal Comedy

What would the intro to an 8-bit video game featuring Metallica, Slayer, Megadeth and Anthrax look like? Loudwire imagines it would look something like...

Music Videos

Slipknot just released this live music video for their track "The Devil In I" off .5: The Gray Chapter. You can order the album...




Wow! Photographer Rodrigo Fredes really outdid himself this time with some new stunning photos of Slipknot, Korn and King 810. Check out the full...

The FiX

Metal Injection's co-owners Rob & Frank count down the top 10 music videos of the year, featuring picks from Cannibal Corpse, Steel Panther, Slipknot,...

Music Videos

From their new album A Presentation of Gruesome Poetics out now on Relapse Records. Video produced by Owen Mansfield. Purchase at Relapse: http://bit.ly/The_Drip Purchase...

Metal Injection Exclusives

How would you act if your boss interviewed you at your Christmas party?

Music Videos

We're very excited about the new Psycroptic album coming out next year on Prosthetic Records. The self-titled release is expected sometime in the early...


Slipknot take you behind the scenes of their excellent music video for "The Devil And I", with the music video's director and 'knot percussionist,...

br00tal Comedy

All we ask is for 15 seconds of your life to get this song stuck in your head!

Music Videos

Let's grind with Die Choking!

At The Movies

"Bill and Ted must now fulfill their destiny as the inspiration for galactic harmony! "

Music Videos

Look at how much money they make!


Australia's grind trio are gearing up to kill everything.

Music Videos

The new album from Soen, Tellurian, is out now and the band have released a great music video for the track "The Words."


The first taste of their new double album, Juggernaut!