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Search results for "political"

Bummer Alert

This can't be easy for the family.

Around the Interwebs

Corgan has very kind things to say about Nickelback.

Latest News

It's never enough with the Russians!


The debut record from Sharptooth makes for one of the most astounding political records in recent years


How did this rumor get started anyway?

RIP a Livecast

On this episode, Evan Brewer of Entheos called in to talk about the band's new album, Dark Future which comes out this Friday, November...


“My empathy goes out to anyone who has been affected by the irresponsible and reprehensible misuse of REAL guns.”


The Cannibal Corpse frontman has a great take.

Weekly Injection

This editions features several long-awaited returns, gore, politics, and more! To the metals...


"Sometimes in your career, you have to look back to the past to go into the future." - Max Cavalera


The Repulbican nominee isn't too pleased about this either.

New Music

Kurt Ballou produced it, so prepare yourself for insane heaviness.


There’s still life in the routine yet.

Upcoming Releases

Yes, the new album is 100% coming in 2018.

Latest News

"We never thought we were a political band, but we can no longer take this sitting down."

Live Footage

Seems like Ministry has got some killer riffs up its sleeve.


"Some people think we’re Satanic, but when we reference evil, Satan, and hell, it’s more metaphorical. We don’t believe in God, so we don’t...


The hype around Fallujah's sophomore release, The Flesh Prevails, certainly caught my interest, but it wasn't until their most recent record, Dreamless, was I...


Maybe the juggalos ain't so bad after all.

RIP a Livecast

Tonight, we have a very special guest calling in: Dale Crover from The Melvins. We discuss the band's new album, A Walk with Love &...

Song Premiere

New York City's booming extreme metal scene is filled with numerous talented minds and visionaries. The metropolis continues to sit at the epicenter of...