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Four huge rock and metal festivals are coming up this fall, you can win big.

Metal Crimes

Lesson here: don't smuggle drugs into Ohio (or anywhere really)


Photographer Rodrigo Fredes was out at the New York City Summer Slaughter gig and came back with some killer shots. Unforunately, due to scheduling...


Four years has only made Black Table heavier, apparently.

Metal Crimes

This outburst from Kelly could end up costing her.


Marilyn Manson is one of the most iconic figures in the world of rock in the last 20 years. However, it seems that something...

Latest News

Tim "Ripper" Owens, Jason Suecof, Steve DiGiorgio, and Richard Christy are back!


Slipknot's big summer tour with Marilyn Manson was delayed two weeks because Corey Taylor needed emergency neck and spine surgery. Taylor is expected to...


Zorormr are certainly solid, but their brand of blackened doom never quite achieves liftoff.