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Search results for "sorrow"

Upcoming Releases

The metal gods have spoken, and the cosmic wheel of new releases ever turns. Last week we got by on the strength of no-names...

Upcoming Releases

A glance at this weeks release schedule will immediately reveal two things; a lack of major releases, and an absurd amount of releases you've...

Show Recap

A deep gloom spread across London one late spring evening and residents of Kentish Town felt shivers creeping up their spines like spiders intent...

Tour Dates

This is going to be big. A few weeks ago, we broke the story that the organizers of the Mayhem Festival were planning to...

Upcoming Releases

Yes, I know this could easily do without the cheesy introduction, but I'm feelin' good and I like to hear myself speak. So please,...


Woods 4 was a resplendent, sprawling and morose masterpiece. Its protagonist, ultimately, was victorious in his travails, leaving the listener in a state of...

Latest News

DevilDriver bass player Aaron Patrick caught something awful yesterday.  Pneumonia.  The illness requires a hospitalization that will put him off the start of this...


I want to be dead with my friends. – "Underwater Bimbos from Outer Space" In the year 2012, with album #6 in the chamber,...


Come join new Co-host Bothorn, and myself, celebrate the best in metal for MSRcast for 2011. There was so much good music released this...

70,000 Tons of Metal

In less than a week's time, I'll be aboard the most metal vessel to ever navigate the seas. I am so excited for the...

Upcoming Releases

Metallica love giving quotes to the press hyping up their upcoming music. Remember when Lars said that Lulu,their collaboration with Lou Reed, would blow...

Best of 2011

Every year, Rob asks me to contribute a year-end list to this fine establishment, and every year, I harsh everyone’s buzz by submitting the...

Best of 2011

This is always my favorite portion of the year-end recaps… the portion where we ask you, the Metal Injection junkies, to pick your favorite...

Best of 2011

There are dozens of factors that go into creating a "great" record, and I try to consider them all while listening to music of...

RIP a Livecast

It's was a three-person crew on this edition as Sid was on his honeymoon and Sean couldn't make it. That didn't stop this episode...


Last night was the first of a series of shows Metallica is performing in San Francisco to commemorate their 30th anniversary as a band....

Upcoming Releases

Relapse has been doing a pretty amazing job with all these Death reissues lately, and the fun isn't stopping. They have just announced a...

Upcoming Releases

Down guitarists Kirk Windstein (Crowbar, Kingdom of Sorrow) and Pepper Keenan (Corrosion of Conformity) spoke to Guitar World shortly before their last two Texas...

Latest News

Woah, 70,000 Tons of Metal just got a notch more extreeeeeme as they have announced Cannibal Corpse will be performing on the second voyage...


I am really amped for this new Insomnium album. It's going to be amazing, no doubt about it. The band has posted the first...


Earlier today, we posted a HUGE gallery of Mayhem Fest that we shot at the Holmdel, NJ show last Wednesday. We have a ton...

Relapse Records Podcast

This month on the Relapse Records Podcast, we introduce our new host, Translation Loss recording artist Josh Mahesh plus premiere exclusive tracks from Red...


"Evinta. A project almost 15 years in the making. An idea that has sat smoldering and never really had a reason to burn alive...